finding Background Process Id

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# 1  
Old 10-24-2007
finding Background Process Id

Hi Gurus,
How can i find background process is completed or not. I have mentioned my scenario below.

Actually Pr1 Process is running in back ground, i just want to know whether this process completed or not. I can come to know the process id by typing pid=$! but i want to trigger that pr1 process in back ground and then after 10 min i want to trigger Pr2 Process. Actually Pr1 Process will take around 2 Hr time. i don't want to wait till 2Hrs, by writing wait $pid where $pid=$!.


x=`1 2 3 4 5`
for y in $x
if [ $a -eq 0 ]
./$Home/ &
wait $pid_1
elif [ $b -eq 0 ]
./$Home/ &
wait $pid_2
sleep 15

here n this case for every 15 sec i want to run the scripts which has completed its process. in this case first it will run then it will wait for the process to complete then it triggers the but i don' t want to wait till completes. For every 15sec i want too run which ever is free i.e if for after 45 sec is completed its processing the it shuld run.

Please help me on the same.
# 2  
Old 10-24-2007
What you could do is have a temporary file which is created when you start to run a script, then you delete when the script finishes.

You then have a single loop with a sleep which looks at what temporary files exist and then decides what should be started.
# 3  
Old 10-24-2007
can u send any sample code.
# 4  
Old 10-24-2007
something like...,


rm dead.tmp

    touch one.tmp
    rm one.tmp
    echo $$ >>dead.tmp

    touch two.tmp
    rm two.tmp
    echo $$ >>dead.tmp


while true
       sleep 15

       if test -f dead.tmp
          mv dead.tmp reap.tmp
          for d in `cat reap.tmp`
             wait $d
          rm reap.tmp

       for d in one two ....
               if test ! -f $d.tmp
                      run_$d &

# 5  
Old 10-24-2007
Thanks for responding...

Actually my requirement is as follows.

i had 5 Processes for every 30 min i want to run.for every 30 min i need to check which process is free.then i will kick off that process.

this scenario will work for the previous code.
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