Cutting Columns and Moving in to a file

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# 1  
Old 10-22-2007
Cutting Columns and Moving in to a file


Can any one tell me how can we cut the columns and move each column in to a separate file using awk?

I have a tab delimited file as shown below,
1213 wattt werree
2345 skhasdjh aasas

I want to output this in to three files named a.txt,b.txt and c.txt
say a.txt contains

and b.txt contains

and so on..,

# 2  
Old 10-22-2007
I'm no Awk guru but wouldn't something like the following work:
awk -F\t '{ print $1 }' ~/Desktop/datafile.txt > ~/Desktop/a.txt

awk -F\t '{ print $2 }' ~/Desktop/datafile.txt > ~/Desktop/b.txt

awk -F\t '{ print $3 }' ~/Desktop/datafile.txt > ~/Desktop/c.txt

# 3  
Old 10-22-2007
   filesN=split("a.txt b.txt c.txt", filesA, " ")
   for(i=1; i <= filesN; i++) {
      print $i > filesA[i]

# 4  
Old 10-22-2007
1) how to print columns : see 7.5.1
2) directing output to file: see 10.5

Last edited by vgersh99; 10-22-2007 at 09:00 AM.. Reason: fixed 1st URL
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