Run scripts within a script..

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# 1  
Old 10-17-2007
Run scripts within a script..

Hi all... I have several scripts of varying types (shell script, expect script, awk script) that I would like to run within 1 script.. They also take a command line argument (which it is getting successfully). The problem is, the parent script is exiting after the first script it calls is finished running. Ideas?

exec /home/me/firstscript.exp $1

exec /home/me/secondscript.awk | grep $1

exec /home/me/

The expect script is interactive at the start (it asks for username and password) and then opens a SSH connection to a router. It is running successfully, but rather than turn control back over to the parent script to have it run secondscript.awk, it exits both.

How can I avoid this behavior?

Thanks --
# 2  
Old 10-17-2007
exec: exec [-cl] [-a name] file [redirection ...]
    Exec FILE, replacing this shell with the specified program.
    If FILE is not specified, the redirections take effect in this
    shell.  If the first argument is `-l', then place a dash in the
    zeroth arg passed to FILE, as login does.  If the `-c' option
    is supplied, FILE is executed with a null environment.  The `-a'
    option means to make set argv[0] of the executed process to NAME.
    If the file cannot be executed and the shell is not interactive,
    then the shell exits, unless the shell option `execfail' is set

-- excerpt from man bash

Solution: remove the exec ... cheers, drl
# 3  
Old 10-17-2007
Good advice, thanks.
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