please explain this

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting please explain this
# 1  
Old 10-13-2007
please explain this

zsh 4.3.4% cat file
zsh 4.3.4% cat file1
zsh 4.3.4% <file1 while read;do printf "%s=%d\n" "$REPLY" "${#$(<file)//[^$REPLY]}";done

That was the previous post.
But , can anybody can explain me in detail about this line

zsh 4.3.4% <file1 while read;do printf "%s=%d\n" "$REPLY" "${#$(<file)//[^$REPLY]}";

i cannot understand how it is interpreted. Please explain me.
# 2  
Old 10-13-2007
Originally Posted by dummy_needhelp
But , can anybody can explain me in detail about this line

zsh 4.3.4% <file1 while read;do printf "%s=%d\n" "$REPLY" "${#$(<file)//[^$REPLY]}";[...]
I suppose you mean this: "${#$(<file)//[^$REPLY]}" (the rest is quite trivial).

This is nested expansion that goes like this:

1. $(<file) is equivalent to $(cat file) but a bit faster.
2. ${$(<file)//[^$REPLY]} means: remove(substitute with null) any character different than the content of the variable REPLY.
3. ${#$(<file)//[^$REPLY]} (the # sign) means: give me the number of characters in the variable ${$(<file)//[^$REPLY]}.

# 3  
Old 10-15-2007
Thanks alot
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