Basic script?

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# 1  
Old 10-10-2007
Basic script?


I have a list of over 400 users that need certain directories created. These will be created in /users/$username on a system and I need a directory called chess under these directories that I create.

Instead of me manually adding each one (mkdir /users/user1, mkdir /users/user1/chess) then changing the ownership (chown -R user1:group) I would love to have a script ask me for a username and have it to the work.

I'm not too familiar with scripts asking for input so any help would be greatly appreciated.

# 2  
Old 10-10-2007
if [ $# -eq "0" ]
# this prints the usage if no arguments are received.
echo "usage: `basename $0` <user>"

# check if username provided to script is a valid user
if [ `grep -i ^$1: /etc/passwd` ]
mkdir /users/$1
mkdir /users/$1/chess
chown -R $1:users /users/$1
echo user $1 not found
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