use SQL loader to dump a fixed length file in to DB

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# 1  
Old 10-10-2007
use SQL loader to dump a fixed length file in to DB

consider a fixed length file


i would like to dump it in to oracle DB using sql loader
12345 in to first coloumn
abcd in to second coloumn
8901 in to 3rd coloumn
# 2  
Old 10-10-2007
Two steps

1.Make a csv file

awk 'BEGIN{FIELDWIDTHS = "5 4 4"}; {print $1","$2","$3;}' filename

load data
          infile 'filename.csv'
		  into table tablename
          fields terminated by ","

# 3  
Old 10-10-2007
You can edit the control file of the sqlloader by the following:

INFILE <data_file_path_and_name>
INTO TABLE <table_name> (
<column_name> POSITION(<integer>:<integer>) <data_type>,
<column_name> POSITION(<integer>:<integer>) <data_type>,
<column_name> POSITION(<integer>:<integer>) <data_type>)

   INFILE /tmp/load_data.dat
     (col1 POSITION(1:5) ,
      col2 POSITION(6:9) , 
      col3 POSITION(10:13))

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