Filter unwanted lines

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# 1  
Old 10-09-2007
Filter unwanted lines

Hi All,

I have the below input and i only want to filter out some un-wanted info from here. Expected output is below. Can somebody help ?

The catch is that i want to grep those lines with term "k=" and lines with term "**" as the 1st column and "07" as the last column. And the number of unwanted lines in between the wanted lines are random. On top of that, the number of field of the wanted lines are also random.
Expected output shown below.

aaa k= aaaa
bbb k= cccc
ggg k= pppp
** ccc kkk lll
** ggg lll ppp
** hhh iii kkk
mmm k= qqqq
eee k= yyyy
rrr k= vvvv

Expected Output:
aaa k= aaaa
bbb k= cccc
ggg k= pppp
mmm k= qqqq
eee k= yyyy
rrr k= vvvv
# 2  
Old 10-09-2007
sed -n -e "/k=/p" -e "/^\*\*.*07$/p" input.txt

# 3  
Old 10-09-2007
Hi Vino,

I encounter some error. Can you help?

$ sed -n -e "/k=/p" -e "/^\*\*.*07$/p" inputfile
Variable syntax

# 4  
Old 10-09-2007
Originally Posted by Raynon
Hi Vino,

I encounter some error. Can you help?

$ sed -n -e "/k=/p" -e "/^\*\*.*07$/p" inputfile
Variable syntax

I guess you are using csh.

Try this.
sed -n -e "/k=/p" -e '/^\*\*.*07$/p' inputfile

See this thread as well -
# 5  
Old 10-09-2007
HI Vino,

Yeah i am using csh.
Thanks it really works!!
You are such a pro at this!!

But i am not familiar with sed. Can you explain you code so that i can understand better ?
# 6  
Old 10-09-2007
Originally Posted by Raynon
Can you explain you code so that i can understand better ?
sed -n -e "/k=/p" -e '/^\*\*.*07$/p' inputfile

sed's default behaviour is to print out the pattern space it reads. Turn it off with the -n flag.

-e "/k=/p" Look for all lines containing the pattern k= and then print those lines.

-e '/^\*\*.*07$/p' Look for all lines starting with ** and ending with 07 and the print those lines. The ^ is a placeholder for the start of a line and $ is likewise for the end-of-line.

We need to check for actual ** and so escape it as \*\*.
# 7  
Old 10-09-2007
Hi Vino,

Thanks for the explanation.
But what does the red dot *.*07$/ signify ?
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