why read line skips some lines...

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting why read line skips some lines...
# 8  
Old 10-04-2007
Guru Perderabo & drl:-)

You got the right answer to my question!!;-)

Thanks again to everyone for your kind responses!!
# 9  
Old 10-07-2007
while this "pkgadd -a $pkgadmin -d ../packages/$pkgfile $pkgname < /dev/null" does solve the original issue- I wonder what if in the "pkgadd $pkgname" it does have to ask question & read from STDIN?
Would that be ignored? Or what if I had to add some functions that read from STDIN...

I know during the "pkgadd" for some of the pkgs, it initially prompted for user inputs, such as passwords, but then, I also know those prompts have been eliminated (by other designers) by setting the pswd etc to default in the pkg scripts as I tried to suppress the interruptions during the installation.

If you know any potential impact of redirecting the STDIN in my code, please let me know.

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