how to remove specific lines from a file

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting how to remove specific lines from a file
# 8  
Old 09-29-2007
awk 'no&&/str/{next};/The F/{no=1;next}1' filename

# 9  
Old 10-01-2007
Thanks all for your response!!

radoulov: it doesn't seem to work on Solaris (syntax error)

aigles: is it bourne-shell? I'm still trying to get it to work on Solaris (syntax error)
# 10  
Old 10-02-2007
Try with nawk instead of awk

# 11  
Old 10-04-2007
Originally Posted by varungupta

To delete a line where a pattern matches, you can use sed.

sed '/^[Mm]ango/d' file1.txt

Above command will delete all the lines which starts with the word Mango or mango.

Can we add a line which starts with the word Mango (or any partten in the middle of the line) only the line does not exist in the file already?
I can do a grep and check the existance & then use echo to append the line.... is there a one line command like the above? ;-)

Thanks in advance for your reply!!
# 12  
Old 10-04-2007
grep -q Mango file1.txt || echo Mango >> file1.txt

# 13  
Old 10-05-2007
Guru Ygor/aigles/radoulov/varungupta/porter/summer_cherry;-)

Thank you all for your advice. Very helpful!!

# 14  
Old 10-05-2007
Originally Posted by radoulov
nawk 'no&&/str/{next};/The F/{no=1;next}1' filename

As my home work, I tried to figure it out how it works (though I know it works) but still no luck:-( Would someone elabrate a little of the syntax for me? Many thanks in advance!
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