merge 2 files (without repeating any lines)

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting merge 2 files (without repeating any lines)
# 8  
Old 10-05-2007
Originally Posted by bluemoon1
I need to add the content of file1 to file2 - all lines but not those existing in file2 already, so the "cat file1 >> file2" doesn't work.
awk '!x[$0]++' file2 file1

# 9  
Old 10-24-2007
Dear cfajohnson:

It works perfectly.... would you elaberate a little how it works? I did try, but as a newbie....:-(
thanks a lot!
# 10  
Old 10-25-2007
Originally Posted by bluemoon1
Dear cfajohnson:

It works perfectly.... would you elaberate a little how it works? I did try, but as a newbie....:-(
thanks a lot!

It is the same as:

awk '{
       if ( x[$0] == 0 )
           x[$0] = 1
      }' file2 file1

In other words, if the line has not been seen before, it will be printed.

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