Nested loop not running using cronjob

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# 1  
Old 09-21-2007
Question Nested loop not running using cronjob


I have created a shell script which uses three nested loops. When the cronjob is running the script there is a for loop which call a function which has two nested for loops. It is going into the function but the for loop in the function is not running. Can someone pleasae give me a solution for this. I have tried and removed the function also. Even with this the second for loop is not running.

You can find the shell script below:


#--------------- Make a file Broker.dat with all the Broker Names -----------
mqsilist |grep Broker |awk '{print substr($3,0,8)}' > /amp/home/mqsi/scripts/Broker.dat

function check_msg_flow {

for exec in `mqsilist $BRKNAME |awk '{print substr($4,0,8)}' |grep -v "completi"`
execgr=`expr $execgr + 1`
#------------ Check whether the execution group is in debug mode ------------

temp=`mqsireporttrace $BRKNAME -u -e $exec |grep -v "BIP8071I:" |awk '{print substr($4,0,5)}'`
if [[ $temp = debug ]]; then
printf "%-45s %-25s %-20s\n" "-" $exec $BRKNAME >>MessageFlows.txt
mqsichangetrace $BRKNAME -u -e $exec -l none -r

#--------- Check whether the message flow under a perticular broker and execution group is in debug mode -----------
for flow in `mqsilist $BRKNAME -e $exec |awk '{print substr($3,0,50)}' |grep -v "command"`
flows=`expr $flows + 1`
flag=`mqsireporttrace $BRKNAME -u -e $exec -f $flow |grep -v "BIP8071I:" |awk '{print substr($4,0,5)}'`

if [[ $flag = debug ]]; then

mqsichangetrace $BRKNAME -u -e $exec -f $flow -l none -r
printf "%-45s %-25s %-20s\n" $flow $exec $BRKNAME >>MessageFlows.txt




echo "*************************************************************************************************** *************">>MessageFlows.txt
printf "%-45s %-25s %-20s\n" "MESSAGE FLOW NAME" "EXECUTION GROUP" "BROKER NAME" >>MessageFlows.txt
echo "*************************************************************************************************** *************" >>MessageFlows.txt

for brokers in `dspmq | grep Ru |awk '{print substr($1,8,8)}'`
echo "Checking the messages flows under the broker $brokers"
check_msg_flow $brokers
Brkrs=`expr $Brkrs + 1`

mailx -s "WMQI TRACE LEVEL REPORT for `hostname` - CHECKED $Brkrs BROKERS : $execgr EXECUTION GROUPS : $flows MESSAGE FLOWS" $mailids <MessageFlows.txt
# 2  
Old 09-21-2007
As a wild guess - the job is being run as Bourne shell which has problems with what you are doing. By default /bin/sh is the shell used by cron jobs. Yes, I do see a shebang to ksh. But still. I don't know for sure.
# 3  
Old 09-25-2007
when i running this script directly its working fine..but only when its get executed by a croj job then only the nested for loops problem is occuring can anybody help me out..I tried everything i could but not able to find a solution
# 4  
Old 09-25-2007
Originally Posted by bihani4u
when i running this script directly its working fine..but only when its get executed by a croj job then only the nested for loops problem is occuring can anybody help me out..I tried everything i could but not able to find a solution
I had problems running crontabs until I added absolute paths to my file references used in the script. Search for "crontab" or similar entries in previous postings on this forum.
# 5  
Old 09-25-2007
my cron job is running. But the problem is that is going in the first loop but not going in the loop after that.
I have enterd this command in crontab

15 * * * * /amp/home/mqsi/scripts/ >/amp/home/mqsi/scripts/ChkAllMsgFlowForDebug.txt&

if u see in the scripts that i am storing output in file MessageFlows.txt and
Broker.dat files but the messageflows.txt file is not updating at all and Broker.dat file is updating but nothing is coming in it

content of Broker.dat file when i run script directly.

and its coming empty when script is getting run by cronjob and messageflows.txt is not updating at all.

Its taking around 10 mins when i execute it directly but using cronjobs its getting over in seconds because its not going in nested loops.

Please help me in this thing. i am trying from around 5 days but nothing found on this thing.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by bihani4u; 09-25-2007 at 12:02 PM..
# 6  
Old 09-25-2007
Originally Posted by bihani4u
my cron job is running. But the problem is that is going in the first loop but not going in the loop after that.
I have enterd this command in crontab

15 * * * * /amp/home/mqsi/scripts/ >/amp/home/mqsi/scripts/ChkAllMsgFlowForDebug.txt&

if u see in the scripts that i am storing output in file MessageFlows.txt and
Broker.dat files but the messageflows.txt file is not updating at all and Broker.dat file is updating but nothing is coming in it

content of Broker.dat file when i run script directly.

and its coming empty when script is getting run by cronjob and messageflows.txt is not updating at all.

Its taking around 10 mins when i execute it directly but using cronjobs its getting over in seconds because its not going in nested loops.

Please help me in this thing. i am trying from around 5 days but nothing found on this thing.

Thanks in advance.
As I said I had the same problem and solved it using full path on every file-reference. The crontab-job will start but it will not perform all it should. Search here and you will see that many have had the same problem. Of course I can not guarantee this is the problem in your case, but it is a repeating problem for many.
# 7  
Old 09-25-2007
I've had the same issues with running a job manually and running it from the cron. I've found environment variables used can be different between the scheduler and a manual log into the server. Do you have the cron log stdout for the job?
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