Replacing all instances of an IP address in a log file.

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# 1  
Old 09-20-2007
Replacing all instances of an IP address in a log file.

I know this should be simple but the periods in the string replacement are throwing me off.

What I want to do is replace in my access.log file with

I have tried using 'tr' but its being thrown off by the periods and replacing all sorts of stuff in the file.

What do I need to do to just have something run through the whole file replacing any instance of one ip address with another?
# 2  
Old 09-20-2007
how about sed:
sed 's/1\.1\.1\.1/' filename > newfilename

Last edited by jim mcnamara; 09-20-2007 at 06:15 PM..
# 3  
Old 09-20-2007
small change is required....

A small observation when I checked the above line... not sure, what addition is required to complete it though

**** ip as well to ****

viz. to et cetra....

Cheers, Bru.
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