Trying to compare lines in 2 files

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# 1  
Old 09-19-2007
Trying to compare lines in 2 files

Hello, I am new to scripting and need some help. In looking at other posts on this forum, I came up with the following logic. I cannot figure out why I am getting names of files of the current directory in my echo output.

Scenario: message file has a line containing the version. Version.txt contains the correct version. I have to see if the message file's version matches the correct version.

Can you tell me what I am doing wrong??

cat /home/brdholman/testing/Tar/Message.dat | while read LINE
#if [[ "$LINE" = "$Version.txt" ]]
cat Version.txt | while read LINE2
if [[ "$LINE2" = "$VERSION" ]]
#echo not equal
# 2  
Old 09-19-2007

Try simplifying to this..


cat /home/brdholman/testing/Tar/Message.dat | while read LINE
     cat Version.txt | while read LINE2
          if test "$LINE2" = "$VERSION"
              echo "$VERSION"

I don't think the "continue" adds anything positive.
# 3  
Old 09-20-2007
No, the continue doesn't. I was using it as a place holder. Thanks.
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