FIND/CHMOD combined

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting FIND/CHMOD combined
# 15  
Old 09-18-2007
Originally Posted by smoother
but how do you explain the fact that it works fine when i target a single file/directory?
This works because you are talking raw FTP to it, so any of the FTP commands, which are a very small subset of the shell commands, will work.

I suggest that instead of trying to talk raw TCP to a UNIX host, you use an intermediary such as Putty's plink.exe to talk SSH. So spawn this with CreateProcess using unamed pipes as stdin, stdout and stderr. Let plink.exe do all the login etc, you can then send the shell commands down the pipe.
# 16  
Old 09-18-2007
I am sure that your suggestion is leading toward one solution but i am afraid i don't like to use 3rd party products/libraries/whatever. Smilie
It would be nice if i can find a pure C# .NET code that can send "CHMOD -R xxx <DIR>" through SSH or SSH2.

Thanks Smilie
# 17  
Old 09-18-2007
Originally Posted by smoother
It would be nice if i can find a pure C# .NET code that can send "CHMOD -R xxx <DIR>" through SSH or SSH2.
... from a 3rd party?
# 18  
Old 09-18-2007
With all respect for your time and intentions;
I am already not sure what is your idea? are you trying to help? If so please don't ask me a questions. Your suggestions seem not clear enough as i am just a n00b in this and as i said i am not tending to learn UNIX in depth. Just this case and i quit.
Thanks for understanding. And Please no offense; if you find any insultive statement in my posts that's because of the language barrier (English is not my native language so i maight to say something that could be understood a bit different than my original idea)

Thanks Smilie
# 19  
Old 09-18-2007
the command is fine

you can try the command directly, it works fine, so if anything is wrong, it can be the command line.

I've tried this: find ./ -print | xargs chmod 777
it changes all directory and files under current directory
# 20  
Old 09-18-2007
find ./ -print | xargs chmod -R 777

But make sure do you have write permission for these directories/Files or NOT
# 21  
Old 09-18-2007
look i tried to execute the code you suggest ..through the command prompt and using telnet. the chmod works fine while find or ls and few other don't work.
What could be the problem here? Is that because of the Linux distribution that doesn't accept these commands or something?
Please explain to me. Thanks
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