Problem getting data to a report file.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Problem getting data to a report file.
# 1  
Old 12-20-2001
Problem getting data to a report file.

Hi all,

I'm trying in vain to workout how I can generate a report from a months worth of files that get created every day. There is one file per day and each daily file contain the output from a df -v command.

With the following section of code ...
  for xdffile in $1$2/df??

      echo $xdffile
      # Aquire date of file being read.
      xdfdd=`echo $xdffile | cut -c31-32`
      xdfmm=`echo $xdffile | cut -c21-23`
      xdfyy=`echo $xdffile | cut -c24-27`
  ##  echo "$xdfdate"

      # Aquire details of file being read.
      grep "/" $xdffile > $xdffile\.temp
      cat $xdffile\.temp
      while read discfile

          xmnt=`echo "$discfile" | cut -f1 -d" "`
          xspc=`echo "$discfile" | cut -f6 -d" "`
          echo $xmnt $xspc

        done < $xdffile.temp
      rm $xdffile.temp

    done  ## End-of (for xdffile in $1$2/df??)

I can produce the following output to the console ...
/          /dev/root              6000002   3243220   2756782    55%
/stand     /dev/boot                80000     27124     52876    34%
/u         /dev/u                12896000  10740718   2155282    84%
/u1        /dev/u1               20000000   9877234  10122766    50%
/u2        /dev/u2               31048858  12037908  19010950    39%
/x1        /dev/x1               26871358   6815596  20055762    26%
/x2        /dev/x2               26871358  14498316  12373042    54%
/x3        /dev/x3               26871358  23092756   3778602    86%
/ 55%
/stand 34%
/u 84%
/u1 50%
/u2 39%
/x1 26%
/x2 54%
/x3 86%
/          /dev/root              6000002   3251368   2748634    55%
/stand     /dev/boot                80000     27124     52876    34%
/u         /dev/u                12896000  10764106   2131894    84%
/u1        /dev/u1               20000000   9878108  10121892    50%
/u2        /dev/u2               31048858  12039694  19009164    39%
/x1        /dev/x1               26871358   6854662  20016696    26%
/x2        /dev/x2               26871358  14686220  12185138    55%
/x3        /dev/x3               26871358  23243320   3628038    87%
/ 55%
/stand 34%
/u 84%
/u1 50%
/u2 39%
/x1 26%
/x2 55%
/x3 87%

My problem is that I'd like to send the percentages(%'s) to a report in the following manner.
-  Date     - / - /stand - /u  - /u1 - /u2 - /u3 - /x1 - /x2 - /x3 -
28/Nov/2001  54%    34%    75%   66%   45%   61%   55%   22%   80%

Any tips?
# 2  
Old 12-21-2001
Use a variable to store the line and initialize to the date. Include some trailing spaces. Like this:
xspline="${year}${month}${day} "

Next inside your loop, each time that you have a new value for xsp, add it to the line. Include some leading spaces. Like this:
xspline="${xspline} ${xsp}"

Finally, print it out:
echo "${xspline}"
# 3  
Old 12-24-2001
Many thanks Perderabo,

Will give that a shot when I get back to work later this afternoon.


Last edited by Cameron; 12-24-2001 at 04:31 AM..
# 4  
Old 12-24-2001

Just quickly, you have in your sample ... ${xspline}.

Is this (${}) considered standard?
And is ${xspc%%%} the same as $xspc%%%% ?

# 5  
Old 12-24-2001
Originally posted by Cameron

Just quickly, you have in your sample ... ${xspline}.

Is this (${}) considered standard?
Yes it is standard and the syntax goes back to the Bourne shell itself. It is absolutely required here: "x=${y}z". Without the braces, the shell would look for a variable called yz. But you can use braces whenever you want. I always do when I concatenate variables because I think it makes the code clearer. I will use superfluous quotes for the same reason. I prefer x="true" to x=true even though both work.

Originally posted by Cameron

And is ${xspc%%%} the same as $xspc%%%% ?
The former will remove a % from the end. The latter will add 4 %'s to the end. So they're different.
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