getting input from perl

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# 1  
Old 12-04-2001
getting input from perl


i have just tried something in perl

print "login: ";
$login = <STDIN>;

print "\npassword: ";
$password = <STDIN>;

print "Username=$login\n";
print "Password=$password\n";

And it doesnt work, anyone know how i can get more than one line?


# 2  
Old 12-05-2001
Why do you need to get more than one line?

$login = &lt;STDIN&gt;;
$password = &lt;STDIN&gt;;

should each read one line from the keyboard. Is that what you are tying to do?
# 3  
Old 12-06-2001
Thats What I Need!

I need to get to lines of input username/password and then run them against a login program.
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