Parsing a control file loop

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# 1  
Old 05-11-2018
Parsing a control file loop


Let's say I have a control file like this:

RHEL apple "echo apple"
RHEL bravo "ls -l bravo*"
RHEL church "chmod church.txt"

SUSE drive "chown user1 drive.txt"
SUSE eagle "echo "eagle flies""
SUSE feather "ls -l feather*"

HP-UX google "sed 's/^Google.*$/&\
ACTION: go to' google.txt"
HP-UX heartache "ls -l heartache.txt* | awk '{ print $9 }'"

...and so on.

In my main script, after I get the operating system of the machine I'm executing the script on and assigning it to variable $OPER_SYS, the script will read this control file. For every line with the value of $OPER_SYS, I want the command on the last column be executed.

Please take note of the carriage return on the first HP-UX line. It's intended, because I want the sed command to find the line starting with Google and add a new line after that with the text on the right hand side... and \n doesn't work in HP-UX sed for some reason (if you guys know a way to simplify that, please let me know).

Obviously, the script I'm creating will be executed on several servers with different platforms i.e. RHEL, SUSE, HP-UX, Solaris so I want the code to be executable on all of them (I'm having difficulties with HP-UX obviously).

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 05-11-2018
Originally Posted by The Gamemaster
In my main script, after I get the operating system of the machine I'm executing the script on and assigning it to variable $OPER_SYS, the script will read this control file. For every line with the value of $OPER_SYS, I want the command on the last column be executed.
Ok, let us start with the easy part: the most basic thing you have to take care of is the difference between these systems: HP-UX has (IIRC) a Korn Shell as default shell, some Linux systems (sorry, Linux is not my strong side) have bash, others have even more obscure shells (i remember running into some dash awhile ago, whatever that is). Furthermore the exact composition of the default PATH variable may different, i.e /bin is sometimes a link to /usr/bin, sometimes not, etc.. My suggestion is to first create a large case-switch where you take care of these differences, like this sketch:

case $OPER_SYS in
          export PATH=....
          export TERM=....   # in case you need it
          export PATH=....
          export TERM=....   # in case you need it

          export PATH=....
          export TERM=....   # in case you need it

esac of your "OS-independent" code here...

Notice that i.e. HP-UX has some peculiarities: the df command exists, but if you want an output that resembles what you would expect you have to use bdf. (This might not be relevant in your case, but there might be similar things that are.) Also notice that commands dealing with package management, user management, logical volumes and similar things are different in different platforms. You may need to create a function for these things which gets some parameters and then does OS-dependent things depending on the value of $OPER_SYS.

Originally Posted by The Gamemaster
Please take note of the carriage return on the first HP-UX line. It's intended, because I want the sed command to find the line starting with Google and add a new line after that with the text on the right hand side...
This - and similar problems with special characters - is a problem which IMHO cannot be fully solved in shell: shells always interpret in some way what they read. Masking/escaping character in your input will only get you that far. A real solution would be a parser, but it would have to be written in a HLL.

So, if you can narrow down a list of special characters you need to be able to cope with - starting with the newline - a (maybe not very pretty but workable) solution might be found, otherwise i suggest you implement your problem not in shell but in some high-level language.

I hope this helps.

This User Gave Thanks to bakunin For This Post:
# 3  
Old 05-11-2018
Originally Posted by bakunin
Ok, let us start with the easy part: the most basic thing you have to take care of is the difference between these systems: HP-UX has (IIRC) a Korn Shell as default shell, some Linux systems (sorry, Linux is not my strong side) have bash, others have even more obscure shells (i remember running into some dash awhile ago, whatever that is). Furthermore the exact composition of the default PATH variable may different, i.e /bin is sometimes a link to /usr/bin, sometimes not, etc.. My suggestion is to first create a large case-switch where you take care of these differences, like this sketch:

case $OPER_SYS in
          export PATH=....
          export TERM=....   # in case you need it
          export PATH=....
          export TERM=....   # in case you need it

          export PATH=....
          export TERM=....   # in case you need it

esac of your "OS-independent" code here...

Notice that i.e. HP-UX has some peculiarities: the df command exists, but if you want an output that resembles what you would expect you have to use bdf. (This might not be relevant in your case, but there might be similar things that are.) Also notice that commands dealing with package management, user management, logical volumes and similar things are different in different platforms. You may need to create a function for these things which gets some parameters and then does OS-dependent things depending on the value of $OPER_SYS.

This - and similar problems with special characters - is a problem which IMHO cannot be fully solved in shell: shells always interpret in some way what they read. Masking/escaping character in your input will only get you that far. A real solution would be a parser, but it would have to be written in a HLL.

So, if you can narrow down a list of special characters you need to be able to cope with - starting with the newline - a (maybe not very pretty but workable) solution might be found, otherwise i suggest you implement your problem not in shell but in some high-level language.

I hope this helps.

Thanks for the tips here. I wish I could learn a new high-level language right now (Python comes to mind), but right now it's out of the question because I have a deadline with this script. The commands I put there are just examples, but the script that I'm trying to create will update the same configuration file on all servers that we manage. So in reality, that control file will only have sed commands (or any other command that can modify the configuration file if I hit a wall using sed, like with the case with HP-UX servers). So far I'm only having a problem with that carriage return because all of the sed statements will have a new line appended to the regexp being searched. I hope I have narrowed it down to you.

Last edited by The Gamemaster; 05-11-2018 at 07:40 PM..
# 4  
Old 05-12-2018
Can anyone just answer my first question?

In my main script, after I get the operating system of the machine I'm executing the script on and assigning it to variable $OPER_SYS, the script will read this control file. For every line with the value of $OPER_SYS, I want the command on the last column be executed.
I'll just find a solution regarding special characters somehow. Hopefully someone can help me out, I really need to finish this script this week.
# 5  
Old 05-13-2018
The commands in quotes are troublesome.
Better have a tag that indicates where the (unquoted) command ends.
E.g. an empty line could do it.

Or perhaps you can give a filename?
And the given file stores the command(s)?
# 6  
Old 05-13-2018
You might have more success in using awk in filter your control file.

Slight change in format of control file:

RHEL apple
    echo apple
RHEL bravo 
    ls -l bravo*
RHEL church 
    chmod church.txt

SUSE drive
    chown user1 drive.txt
SUSE eagle 
    echo "eagle flies"
SUSE feather
    ls -l feather*

HP-UX google
    sed 's/^Google.*$/&\
ACTION: go to' google.txt

HP-UX heartache
    ls -l heartache.txt* | awk '{ print $9 }'

I set the variable CGRP to be the 2nd param on your control lines. The awk output could be piped to a shell once your happy it's looking OK:

case $OPER_SYS in
    *)  echo "Usage $0 [RHEL|SUSE|HP-UX]" >&2
        exit 2

awk -v SYS=$OPER_SYS '
  NF==2 && $1==SYS { exec = 1 ; print "CGRP="$2 ; next }
  NF==2 && $1 ~ "(RHEL|SUSE|HP-UX)" { exec = 0 }
  exec { print }' control

$ ./do_control HPUX
Usage ./do_control [RHEL|SUSE|HP-UX]

$ ./do_control HP-UX
    sed 's/^Google.*$/&\
ACTION: go to' google.txt

    ls -l heartache.txt* | awk '{ print $9 }'

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 7  
Old 05-14-2018
I apologize to everyone helping out here, I posted such a bad sample of what I'm actually doing. Anyway this one below is much closer to what I'm actually doing.

RHEL:syslogd:"sed -i 's/^syslogd.*$/&\n*ACTION \/etc\/init.d\/syslog start/' $CFG_DIR/ps_mon.cfg"
RHEL:ntpd:"sed -i 's/^ntpd.*$/&\n*ACTION \/etc\/init.d\/ntpd start/' $CFG_DIR/ps_mon.cfg"
RHEL:scopeux:"sed -i 's/^scopeux.*$/&\n*ACTION \/opt\/perf\/bin\/ovpa start all/' $CFG_DIR/ps_mon.cfg"

SUSE:cron:"sed -i 's/^cron.*$/&\n*ACTION \/etc\/init.d\/cron start/' $CFG_DIR/ps_mon.cfg"
SUSE:scopeux:"sed -i 's/^scopeux.*$/&\n*ACTION \/opt\/perf\/bin\/ovpa start all/' $CFG_DIR/ps_mon.cfg"
SUSE:midaemon:"sed -i 's/^midaemon.*$/&\n*ACTION \/opt\/perf\/bin\/ovpa start all/' $CFG_DIR/ps_mon.cfg"

HP-UX:scopeux:"find $CFG_DIR -name "ps_mon.cfg" | while IFS= read -r file; do sed 's/^scopeux.*$/&@*ACTION \/opt\/perf\/bin\/ovpa start all/' "$file" | tr '@' '\n' > tmp && mv tmp "$file"; done"
HP-UX:midaemon:"find $CFG_DIR -name "ps_mon.cfg" | while IFS= read -r file; do sed 's/^midaemon.*$/&@*ACTION \/opt\/perf\/bin\/ovpa start all/' "$file" | tr '@' '\n' > tmp && mv tmp "$file"; done"
HP-UX:perfalarm:"find $CFG_DIR -name "ps_mon.cfg" | while IFS= read -r file; do sed 's/^perfalarm.*$/&@*ACTION \/opt\/perf\/bin\/ovpa start all/' "$file" | tr '@' '\n' > tmp && mv tmp "$file"; done"

I've just found a way on how to deal with \n special character in HP-UX thus the above. Anyway, I replaced the delimiters with ":" because spaces inside the commands in quotes are problematic. When I try the code below in HP-UX:

for line in `cat sample.ctl`
echo $line

I get the output below:


That's why I can't use awk to assign variables. The only way I've seen so far to solve this is to replace the spaces with another character, like a comma, then remove the comma with sed substitution when I assign the command on a variable. Too much of a hassle. If you have a way to simplify this, please let me know.

Thanks for the help so far.

Last edited by The Gamemaster; 05-14-2018 at 02:52 AM..
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