Trying to find the distinct lines using uniq command

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Trying to find the distinct lines using uniq command
# 1  
Old 04-04-2014
Trying to find the distinct lines using uniq command

Platform :Oracle Linux 6.4
Shell : bash

The below file has 7 lines , some of them are duplicates. There are only 3 distinct lines. But why is the uniq command still showing 7 ?
I just want the distinct lines to be returned.

$ cat test.txt
select * from om_jms_event  - UPDATE
select * from om_jms_event  - UPDATE
$ wc -l test.txt
7 test.txt
$ grep -c UPDATE test.txt | uniq
$ grep -c UPDATE test.txt | sort | uniq

# 2  
Old 04-04-2014
sort test.txt | uniq | grep -c UPDATE

This User Gave Thanks to anbu23 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 04-04-2014
Originally Posted by kraljic
Platform :Oracle Linux 6.4
Shell : bash

The below file has 7 lines , some of them are duplicates. There are only 3 distinct lines. But why is the uniq command still showing 7 ?
I just want the distinct lines to be returned.
That's because uniq expects its input to be that duplicate lines are adjacent to each fact uniq can be eliminated by using the "-u" option to sort...
sort -u test.txt | grep -c UPDATE

This User Gave Thanks to shamrock For This Post:
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