Aggregation of huge data

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# 1  
Old 04-04-2014
Question Aggregation of huge data

Hi Friends,

I have a file with sample amount data as follows:


I need to exclude the '-' symbol in order to treat all values as an absolute one and then I need to sum up.The record count is around 1 million.

How can I perform this ?

# 2  
Old 04-04-2014
awk '{sub("-",X,$0); sum += $0} END {print sum}' file

These 2 Users Gave Thanks to SriniShoo For This Post:
# 3  
Old 04-04-2014
Thanks Srinishoo but I am getting exponential output like this:


Kindly help me on this !

# 4  
Old 04-04-2014
awk '{sub("-",X,$0); sum += $0} END {printf "%f\n", sum}' file

# 5  
Old 04-04-2014
The other thing to keep in mind is that awk uses floating point numbers. It's not infinite precision. If you print that number to 13 extra decimal places, most of those decimals will be meaningless garbage.

If you want a perfect sum, bc should do the job, if you convert the output into something it can use.

awk 'BEGIN { print "Z = 0;" } { sub(/-/, ""); print "Z += ",$1,";" } END { print "Z;" }' inputfile | bc

This prints "z = 0;" as the first line, then all lines afterwards as "z += number;" And the final line as "z;" to print the final sum.
# 6  
Old 04-07-2014
Hi Corona !

Thanks for your guidance and I have used your code like this:
 awk 'BEGIN { print "Z = 0;" } { sub(/-/, ""); print "Z += ",$1,";" } END { print "Z;" }' asa.txt | bc

where asa.txt has data like:


but I am getting an error of:

syntax error on line 1 stdin

Need your help on this !

# 7  
Old 04-07-2014
Obiviously you receive error as we can see first line is blank

Try untested

awk 'BEGIN { print "Z = 0;" } NF{ sub(/-/, ""); print "Z += ",$1,";" } END { print "Z;" }' asa.txt | bc

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