awk to parse df output

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# 1  
Old 03-23-2014
awk to parse df output

Output of the below code includes unmatched date.Please correct it
df -k|awk '$4>50 {print $1, "\t"$4,"\t" $7}'

It gives output less than 50% also.
# 2  
Old 03-23-2014
Can you provide us the output of "df -k". I get available space as 4th column and the above code is working fine for me
# 3  
Old 03-23-2014
yes it gives output to me also but it includes 40% used space in output as well for the above while expected is 50%+ only.
# 4  
Old 03-23-2014
If you are sure about 4th field, use the below code
df -k | awk '{split($4, a, "%")} a[1] > 50 {print $1 "\t" $4 "\t" $7}'

If it is 5th field, change $4 to $5 in split function

Last edited by SriniShoo; 03-23-2014 at 10:51 AM.. Reason: Changed the value to check from 1 to 50
# 5  
Old 03-23-2014

df -k | awk '$4+0>50{print $1, "\t"$4,"\t" $7}'

# 6  
Old 03-24-2014
thanks all. Last 2 code snippet provided above works . Thanks again.
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