How do I split a single-line input into five lines?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How do I split a single-line input into five lines?
# 1  
Old 03-23-2014
Question How do I split a single-line input into five lines?

Example input:
John:Shepherd:770-767-4040:U.S.A:New York
Mo Jo:Jo Jo: 666-666-6666:U.S.A:Townsville

Expected Output:
First Name: John
Last Name: Shepherd
Phone Number: 770-767-4040
Country: U.S.A
State: New York

First Name: Mo Jo
Last Name: Jo Jo
Phone Number: 666-666-6666
Country: U.S.A
State: Townsville

# 2  
Old 03-23-2014
awk '
  BEGIN{ fmt="%20s%20s\n" }
  function prt()
    printf(fmt, "First Name:", data[1])
    printf(fmt, "Last Name:", data[2])
    printf(fmt, "Phone Number:", data[3])
    printf(fmt, "Country:", data[4])
    printf(fmt, "State:", data[5])
  { split($0, data, ":"); prt() }' infile

# 3  
Old 03-23-2014

Originally Posted by ahamed101
awk '
  BEGIN{ fmt="%20s%20s\n" }
  function prt()
    printf(fmt, "First Name:", data[1])
    printf(fmt, "Last Name:", data[2])
    printf(fmt, "Phone Number:", data[3])
    printf(fmt, "Country:", data[4])
    printf(fmt, "State:", data[5])
  { split($0, data, ":"); prt() }' infile

Thanks for the help, but I still have a minor problem.The output is displayed on a single line.
First Name: John Last Name: Shepherd Phone Number: 770-767-4040 Country: U.S.A State: New York First Name: Mo Jo Last Name: Jo Jo Phone Number: 666-666-6666 Country: U.S.A State: Townsville

# 4  
Old 03-23-2014
Well, it works for me. Did you omit the new line in the code? Are you using the exact code I have given? which is your OS?

root@maximus:/tmp# awk '
   BEGIN{ fmt="%20s%20s\n" }
   function prt()
     printf(fmt, "First Name:", data[1])
     printf(fmt, "Country:", data[4])
     printf(fmt, "Last Name:", data[2])
     printf(fmt, "Phone Number:", data[3])
     printf(fmt, "Country:", data[4])
     printf(fmt, "State:", data[5])
   { split($0, data, ":"); prt() }'  infile

         First Name:                John
          Last Name:            Shepherd
       Phone Number:        770-767-4040
            Country:               U.S.A
              State:            New York

         First Name:               Mo Jo
          Last Name:               Jo Jo
       Phone Number:        666-666-6666
            Country:               U.S.A
              State:          Townsville

# 5  
Old 03-23-2014
Originally Posted by ahamed101
Well, it works for me. Did you omit the new line in the code? Are you using the exact code I have given? which is your OS?

root@maximus:/tmp# awk '
   BEGIN{ fmt="%20s%20s\n" }
   function prt()
     printf(fmt, "First Name:", data[1])
     printf(fmt, "Last Name:", data[2])
     printf(fmt, "Phone Number:", data[3])
     printf(fmt, "Country:", data[4])
     printf(fmt, "State:", data[5])
   { split($0, data, ":"); prt() }'  infile

         First Name:                John
          Last Name:            Shepherd
       Phone Number:        770-767-4040
            Country:               U.S.A
              State:            New York

         First Name:               Mo Jo
          Last Name:               Jo Jo
       Phone Number:        666-666-6666
            Country:               U.S.A
              State:          Townsville

I'm using ElementaryOS. Here's my code:
echo -n "Please enter a name:"
read input
echo `grep -w "$input" list.txt | awk `

    BEGIN{ fmt="%20s%20s\n" }
    function prt()
         printf(fmt, "First Name:", data[1])
         printf(fmt, "Country:", data[4])
         printf(fmt, "Last Name:", data[2])
         printf(fmt, "Phone Number:", data[3])
         printf(fmt, "Country:", data[4])
         printf(fmt, "State:", data[5])
   { split($0, data, ":"); prt() }'  list.txt`

# 6  
Old 03-23-2014
This is not right. Did you try the code which I gave to see if it works for you without integrating it to your script?
I think what you are trying to do here is, get a input and display the details of that particular user, is that so?

Please answer both the questions.
Thank You
This User Gave Thanks to ahamed101 For This Post:
# 7  
Old 03-23-2014
Originally Posted by ahamed101
Did you try the code which I gave to see if it works for you without integrating it to your script?
Yes. It works perfectly.
I think what you are trying to do here is, get a input and display the details of that particular user, is that so?
Yes. I'm trying to search for all users who have a first name matching the input and display the details of the matching users.
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