Modify Sleeper script to run every 30 minutes

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# 1  
Old 03-21-2014
Modify Sleeper script to run every 30 minutes

I would like to modify the below sleeper script to run every 30 minutes at the 29th and 59th minute of the hour.

The below script is designed to run every 10 minutes and send an argument to the other script at a particular hour but i want it to run every 30 mins at the 29th and 59th minute of the hour.

FREQ_MIN=9  #run every 10 minutes

while true
DTMM=$(date "+%M")
DTHH=$(date "+%H")
echo $((($DTMM/$FREQ_MIN+1)*$FREQ_MIN - $DTMM))
sleep $(((($DTMM/$FREQ_MIN+1)*$FREQ_MIN - $DTMM)*60))
#To run at particular hrs
case $DTHH in
03|06|08|11|15|19|23) if [ $DTMM -le $FREQ_MIN ]
          /production/07a/scripts/dna_monitor/dna_monitor_v1.ksh MAIL_ALWAYS
          sleep 60 #to avoid continuous looping
/production/07a/scripts/dna_monitor/dna_monitor_v1.ksh MAIL_ON_ISSUE
sleep 60 #to avoid continuous looping


Last edited by senormarquez; 03-21-2014 at 07:14 PM.. Reason: edit
# 2  
Old 03-21-2014
Is there a reason you cannot employ crontab to run it:

0,10,20,30,40,50  3,6,8,11,15,19,23 * * * /production/07a/scripts/dna_monitor/dna_monitor_v1.ksh MAIL_ALWAYS

# 3  
Old 03-21-2014
Cron is not installed on this server.
# 4  
Old 03-22-2014
sleep $(((29-$DTMM%30)*60));

# 5  
Old 03-22-2014
How about?

#	Author: 	Simon Arjuna Erat (sea)
#	Contact:
#	License:	GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)
#	Created:	2014.03.22
#	Changed:	2014.03.24
#	Description:	Trying to 'replace' a single cronjob
#	Variables
	ME="$(basename $0)"
	hour=$[ 60 * $minute ]
	exe_anyway="/production/07a/scripts/dna_monitor/dna_monitor_v1.ksh MAIL_ALWAYS"
	exe_cmd="/production/07a/scripts/dna_monitor/dna_monitor_v1.ksh MAIL_ON_ISSUE"
	job_hour=(3 6 9 11 15 19 23)		# Change for the hours of occourence
	job_minute=(0 10 20 30 40 50)		# Change for the minutes of occourence
	alias currentHour="date +'%H'"
	alias currentMinute="date +'%M'"
	alias now="date +'%Y.%m.%d - %H:%M'"
#	Display & Action
	echo "Started $ME ($script_version)..."
	while true;do
		sleep $intervall
		for ENTRY in ${job_hour[@]};do
			# Check if current hour has a job
			if [ $(currentHour) -eq $ENTRY ]
			then	# Check if current minute has a job
				for ENTRY in ${job_minute[@]};do
					# If job is due, print current date+time to log & execute it
					[ $(currentMinute) -eq $ENTRY ] && \
						printf "$(now) -- EXEC $exe_cmd\n" | tee $logfile && \
						$exe_cmd | tee $logfile 
		[ $counter -eq $intervall_anyway ] && \
			counter=1 && \

All you need to do is to change the "job_minute=(29 59)"
But me probably 'went off topic'?


Last edited by sea; 03-24-2014 at 03:42 PM..
# 6  
Old 03-24-2014
i like the code. It gave me an error when i ran though.

./test_sleeper.ksh: line 46: [: missing `]'

Last edited by senormarquez; 03-24-2014 at 03:14 PM..
# 7  
Old 03-24-2014
There was a missing space at the last block.
Its fixed and marked red now.
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