Color encoding on the disk space script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Color encoding on the disk space script
# 22  
Old 03-24-2014
Thanks Chubler XL Smilie

It worked fine!!! Now i can easily collect the list of space issues Smilie Thanks thanks thanks a lot!!!

I would like to appreciate all at this moment to made this code runs successfully!!

Final worked code is given below :

1) Code#1 : to retrive the output for the threshold reached filesystems and save it as .html format file.

df -g| awk 'NR>1&&($4+0)>60' | awk -v H=$(hostname) '
  BEGIN {print "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\">"}
    $0= H " " $0
    print "<tr>"
    for( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) {
      printf "%s", "<td"
      if (i==5&&$i+0>80) printf " bgcolor=#FF3366"
      else if (i==5&&$i+0>60) printf " bgcolor=#FF6333"
      print ">" $i "</td>"
    print "</tr>"
  END { print "</table>" }' > server1.html

2) code#2 - to send the collection of .html file as a mailbody and send it to the email.
printf "From: \n"
printf "To:\n"
printf "Subject:Disk Space Report\n"
printf "Content-Type: text/html\n"
printf "Content-Disposition: inline\n\n"
printf "<html>\n<body>\n"
cat server1.html
printf "<p></p>\n"
printf "</body>\n</html>\n" ) | sendmail -t

Resulted output is attached Smilie Thank you all. This thread can be closed!! Smilie
Color encoding on the disk space script-outputpng

Last edited by Kalaihari; 03-24-2014 at 07:50 PM.. Reason: Code error
# 23  
Old 03-24-2014
Good news, glad you are getting the results your after.

One possible issue is these two NR tests highlighted below could be throwing away the first line of your data:

df -g| awk 'NR>1&&($4+0)>60' | awk -v H=$(hostname) '
  BEGIN {print "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\">"}

and should probably be replaced with:

df -g| awk -v H=$(hostname) '
  BEGIN {print "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" style=\"border-collapse: collapse\">"}

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 24  
Old 03-25-2014
Sure chubler ,

I will try replacing it in and will let you know the final result.

# 25  
Old 03-26-2014
Hi Chubler XL,

Thanks !!! Smilie IT WORKED .

One more small favour. Instead of bringing the servername in each line. Is that possible to make it as a first row of the table

I tried by giving the below command :

        df -g |              awk -v host=`hostname`BEGIN {print "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"4\">"}

         print "<tr>"
                  print "<td>" print host
print "</td>"
print "</tr>"
print "<tr>"
    for( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) {
      printf "%s", "<td"
      if (i==5&&$i+0>80) printf " bgcolor=#FF2C2C"
      else if (i==5&&$i+0>60) printf " bgcolor=#FFF044"
      print ">" $i "</td>"
    print "</tr>"
  END { print "</table>" }' > server1.html

The output came for the filesystems spaces only , the first row of the table data was empty without any servername. Could you please help me to correct the above one alone as they don;t need the servernames to be mentioned in each and every table data.

# 26  
Old 03-26-2014
You only want 1 line at the top of the table with host name right, best idea is to do this in the begin block like this:

df -g | awk -v host=`hostname` '
    print "<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"4\">"
    printf "<tr><td>%s</td></tr>\n", host
    print "<tr>"
    for( i = 1; i <= NF; i++ ) {

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 27  
Old 03-27-2014
Thanks Chubler_XL Smilie

Thank you for your worthful support given to me Smilie You are awesome!! Smilie

PFA output result Smilie

Color encoding on the disk space script-ssspng
# 28  
Old 03-31-2014
Hi ChublerXL,

Last and it will definitely be the LAST help needed from you. It will be simple for you either.

I just need the headers to be noted in the email

like FILESYSTEM GB BLOCKS USED% MOUNTED ON to bring it in the email table.

Could yu please bring it up on the script .

And it needs a different color as the table header.

Kindly help me out with this last suggestion by my leads. Thanks in advance and sorry for bothering you Smilie

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