Creating Multiple data files with spaces in the filename

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Creating Multiple data files with spaces in the filename
# 1  
Old 03-18-2014
Creating Multiple data files with spaces in the filename


I have a list of filenames in the format with Spaces in the filename.

As an example :

Sample File 1.txt
Sample File 2.txt
Sample File 3.txt.....I have about 100 files like this.

I am trying to create a block of code or use an available command to a) Create a file b) Put in some data in each file.

Suggestions would be much appreciated.
# 2  
Old 03-18-2014
>'any file name you want' works for me. I especially like the directory '. ' when borrowing space! If you put file names or paths in variables, "$dingy_with_spaces" is the trick. They are just spaces, and when quoted lose their whitespace nature.
# 3  
Old 03-18-2014
Not quite sure what you require but perhaps bash shell this example can assist:

for file in "Sample File "{1..100}.txt
    echo "Your age is $((RANDOM % 70))" > "$file"

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