Script issue

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# 1  
Old 03-13-2014
Script issue

Hi Folks,

I am going through a sample script which is not working.

Also i want to understand the certain syntaxes

echo "enter ur 1st no." 
read n1 
echo "enter ur 2nd no." 
read n2 
while [ $x = "y" ] 
echo "1.sum" 
echo "2.subtraction" 
echo "3.product" 
echo "4.quotient" 
echo "5.exit" 
echo -n "Enetr ur choice between [1-5]" 
read ch; 

case $ch in 
1) sum = `expr $n1 + $n2` 
echo "the sum of two nos. provided by u is $sum";; 

2) subtraction = `expr $n1 - $n2` 
echo "the remainder after subtrating the smaller value from bigger one is $subtraction";; 

3) product = `expr $n1 \* $n2` 
echo "The product of 2 nos. is " $product;; 

4)quotient = `expr $n1 / $n2` 
echo "the quotient of two nos. is" $quotient;; 

5) exit 
echo "by-2" $USERNAME 

Code is working fine till.Why i am getting No such file or directory message.
enter ur 1st no.
enter ur 2nd no.
-n Enetr ur choice between [1-5]
sum: = No such file or directory
sum: 7 No such file or directory
the sum of two nos. provided by u is
-n Enetr ur choice between [1-5]

What is the meaning of
1.x="y" n1
# 2  
Old 03-13-2014
1. Assigning the value 'y' to variable 'x'
2. reading the input and assigning it to variable 'n1'
3. esac - is to close a case statement

remove spaces before and after '=' in case statement
case $ch in 
1) sum=`expr $n1 + $n2` 
echo "the sum of two nos. provided by u is $sum";; 
2) subtraction=`expr $n1 - $n2` 
echo "the remainder after subtrating the smaller value from bigger one is $subtraction";; 
3) product=`expr $n1 \* $n2` 
echo "The product of 2 nos. is " $product;; 
4)quotient=`expr $n1 / $n2` 
echo "the quotient of two nos. is" $quotient;; 
5) exit 
echo "by-2" $USERNAME 

Last edited by SriniShoo; 03-13-2014 at 08:57 AM.. Reason: addition
# 3  
Old 03-13-2014
Ok but how is 'y' being used in the script?
# 4  
Old 03-13-2014
to loop infinitely till you issue '5' to exit
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