Parsing xml - tricky one...need help!!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Parsing xml - tricky one...need help!!
# 8  
Old 03-12-2014

I apologize for this confusion.
As I said I am really new to this, so please bear with me..

I think I failed to explain the requirement.
You have almost got exactly what I need. Still let me rephrase.

testfile.xml is the source file.
There will be multiple values with the same tagname LoanIdentifier. I need to search inside the xml whether any xml <LoanIdentifier> and </LoanIdentifier> tags containing the string ValueToBePrinted.

If contains, then I need to print that particular data ValueToBePrinted to a variable.

So actually it falls under criteria#2 from the list you have mentioned in your reply:

Are you trying to verify that there is data for a LoanIdentifier tag in your XML file that has the value ValueToBePrinted ?
Please let me know if it explains.

Last edited by rookie2014; 03-12-2014 at 02:28 AM..
# 9  
Old 03-12-2014
I repeat: Is this a homework assignment?
If not, what is the real-world application for this assignment?
# 10  
Old 03-12-2014
You can call it home work assignment for the readiness of a xml formatting project.
# 11  
Old 03-12-2014
Posted by rookie2014:
You can call it home work assignment for the readiness of a xml formatting project.
Hello Rookie2014,

This is really bad, we have a different community for homework assignments. As well as before posting the posts you should have read the rules carefully.
Please go through all the rules for forums and post accordingly.

R. Singh

Last edited by RavinderSingh13; 03-12-2014 at 02:37 AM.. Reason: adding quote
# 12  
Old 03-12-2014
My bad...

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