[Solved] Last occurrence of a string

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting [Solved] Last occurrence of a string
# 1  
Old 03-07-2014
[Solved] Last occurrence of a string

I apologize if it was asked before but I couldn't find something related.
I want to replace 2 strings in a file

pwddb=Lar1wod (need to replace string after =)
pwdapp=Wde2xe (need to replace string after =)

AND in same file want to find last occurrence of a string (SR2-134561), add "file was changed by $appid" to newline.

Thanks in advance.
# 2  
Old 03-07-2014
A simple way to do things like this is with ed or ex. Your requirement to
add "file was changed by $appid" to newline
could be interpreted several ways. Assuming that what you meant was to add a new line containing that text after the last line in the file containing SR2-13451, the following does that (and also adds a timestamp saying when the file was updated):
ed -s "$file" <<EOF > /dev/null
        w $file.backup
        /pwddb=/s/\(pwddb=\)[^ ]*/\1PWDDB_Replacement/
        /pwdapp=/s/\(pwdapp=\)[^ ]*/\1PWDAPP_Replacement/
file was change by $appid $(date)

Note that it saves a backup copy of your file before making any changes.

If the file data.txt contains:
pwddb=Lar1wod (need to replace string after =)

then running the above script with:
./script_name data.txt

will save the original contents of data.txt in data.txt.backup and change the contents of data.txtto:
pwddb=PWDDB_Replacement (need to replace string after =)
file was change by J_ang_script Fri Mar  7 18:06:06 PST 2014

# 3  
Old 03-10-2014
Thank you very much it worked prefectly.
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