Copy contents of one file to another

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# 1  
Old 03-07-2014
Copy contents of one file to another

I need to write a script (in bash) that copies the content of the first file in each folder of a directory to the second file in the same folder. I tried this and it didn't work - it just came back with errors and I'm not sure how to fix it. Help is very much appreciated!

for mpdir in ${PWD}/000*/*[Aa]*; do 
firstmat=`ls  ${mpdir}/*.mat|head -1`; 
cp ${firstmat} tmp; 
for f in ${mpdir}/*.mat;  do cp tmp ${f}; done; 
rm tmp; \

# 2  
Old 03-07-2014
The "first" and "second" file are identified by what means? Sorted alphabetically, by date, unsorted i.e. directory entry order?
# 3  
Old 03-10-2014
The first and second file have the same name, with the exception that the first file has 004 in the name and the second has 005. So yes, numerically.
# 4  
Old 03-12-2014
So ls *004*would yield a list of the files to be copied? If not, please provide the directory / file structure to give me a chance to understand.
# 5  
Old 03-12-2014
Why not just do cp -r source dest?

/tmp/cp_test >tree a
├── b
│** ├── x
│** │** └── t1
│** └── y
├── c
│** └── t2
└── d

5 directories, 2 files
/tmp/cp_test >tree a2
└── b
└── x
└── tt

3 directories, 0 files
/tmp/cp_test >cp -r a2/b a
/tmp/cp_test >tree a
├── b
│** ├── x
│** │** ├── t1
│** │** └── tt
│** └── y
├── c
│** └── t2
└── d

So cp -r will copy the directory if it does not exists, and add files if directory exists, overwrite file, if file exists.
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