Script year_month_day_hour_minute with fail2ban

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Script year_month_day_hour_minute with fail2ban
# 1  
Old 03-05-2014
[SOLVED] Script year_month_day_hour_minute with fail2ban


What I would like to do is a shell script which will read a database file, then it will compare the current date/hour/minute in each line existing in the database file.
Today is 20140305 (year_month_day) & assume that the time is 15:11 at the moment.

under /var/log/
ssh1 ##201403051511
ssh2 ##201403051510
ssh3 ##201403051509
ssh4 ##201403051508
ssh5 ##201403051531
ssh6 ##201403051541
ssh6 ##201403051542
ssh6 ##201403051543

When the script is started it will create a new txt file such as:

under /var/log/
ssh2 ##201403051510
ssh3 ##201403051509
ssh4 ##201403051508

Then it will look up related usernames in /var/log/syslog file, grep each user's ip address and send them to fail2ban to block the connection.

In this example, connection of usernames ssh2-ssh3-ssh4 will be broken.

I appreciate your valuable support.

PS: I have found given below iptables command but I do not know how to integrate this into my database file

iptables -I INTPUT -s -m time --utc --datestart 2013-09-09T15:00 --datestop 2013-09-09T15:30 -j DROP


Last edited by baris35; 03-10-2014 at 10:36 PM..
# 2  
Old 03-05-2014
I suggest giving a better example. It's not clear what you're comparing each time value in the text file. You state

"then it will compare the current date/hour/minute in each line existing in the database file"

and then you say something about the current date and assume the current time is something...

"Today is 20140305 (year_month_day) & assume that the time is 15:11 at the moment."

Are you selecting records that are earlier than the current time. If so, won't all records in this file always be selected?

It's also not clear what you mean when you say "integrate into your database"
# 3  
Old 03-06-2014
Hello Blackrageous,

-Objective: What I would like to accomplish is to terminate an account automatically if that account is expired.

-What does "then it will compare the current date/hour/minute in each line existing in the database file" mean?

When the script is started in any given time, it will print "system date" (year_month_day_hour_min) and compare the value shown in database.txt file

-Are you selecting records that are earlier than the current time?
That's exactly right!

-To make it more understandable, i changed database.txt file as shown below

under /var/log/

sophie.bextor ##201403011017
dido ##201403251049
ray.charles ##201403290159
freddie.mercury ##201404012200
madonna ##201403050900

Output file will be filtered.txt as shown below:

sophie.bextor ##201403011017
madonna ##201403050900

sophie's account expired on 2014.03.01 time: 10:17
madonna's account expired on 2014.03.05 time: 09:00 (expired)

sophie.bextor & madonna has expired accounts so that those usernames will be looked up in /var/log/syslog file and the script will grab related ip addresses and send them to iptables so that they can not be logged in to the system.

Thanks for your time
# 4  
Old 03-07-2014
Save perl script below to say "" and run it on the command line $ database.txt this will output all expired user accounts to filtered.txt...

use Time::Local;
open outf, "> filtered.txt";

while (<>) {
    @f = split /#/, $_;
    $yr = substr($f[2], 0, 4);
    $mo = substr($f[2], 4, 2);
    $dy = substr($f[2], 6, 2);
    $hr = substr($f[2], 8, 2);
    $mi = substr($f[2], 10, 2);
    print outf if time > timelocal(0, $mi, $hr, $dy, $mo-1, $yr-1900);

This User Gave Thanks to shamrock For This Post:
# 5  
Old 03-10-2014
Hello Shamrock,
Thanks for your reply.
It gives correct result!

Thank you so much!
# 6  
Old 03-10-2014
Similar GNU awk approach
gawk -F'##' '
    then=mktime(substr($2,1,4)" "substr($2,5,2)" "substr($2,7,2)" "substr($2,9,2)" "substr($2,11,2)" 0")
  now > then
' now=$(date '+%s') database.txt

This User Gave Thanks to ahamed101 For This Post:
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