Delete everything owned by a particular user

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# 1  
Old 03-04-2014
Delete everything owned by a particular user

I want to delete all files and folders owned a user say abcuser in the folder /tmp .
Can you please give me the command ?

# 2  
Old 03-04-2014
Try this first to check for the right files
find /tmp -user abcuser

And if you see the files are all correct and are the ones you want to delete, try this
find /tmp -user abcuser -exec rm -f {} \;


Last edited by ahamed101; 03-04-2014 at 07:25 PM..
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# 3  
Old 03-05-2014
This will hit problems for directories owned by the user. If you want to delete the contents too (maybe you do, maybe you don't) then add the -r flag to the rm

To only delete files, you would be better to add the -type f ot the find command so it will only try to delete files. This will leave pipes, soft-links and directories and I suppose devices/ (exotic things they are unlikely to ever create)
find /tmp -type f -user abcuser -exec rm -f {} +

If the + is not supported, then:-
find /tmp -type f -user abcuser -exec rm -f {} \;

You don't say what OS and version, so I can't be sure if the + is supported. Using \; will issue one command for each file found. Using + will build up fewer commands will multiple files to be deleted. To see the effect, try:-
find /usr -type f -exec echo {} \; | wc -l
find /usr -type f -exec echo {} + | wc -l

For me I get two very different values. If it's available, the latter will run faster.

I hope that this helps,
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