Substitution within string command

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# 1  
Old 02-26-2014
Substitution within string command

I have the following code:
          mj7777_ver=${ver} start_mj7777_iteration
          let count=count+1

When it is executed I get bad substitution. The same if I use
          mj7777_ver=${ver} start_mj7777_iteration

How would I do the above, please?
I am trying to do ${strfuture:1:1} ... then ${strfuture:2:1} i.e. indexed string within a loop so I do not have to write it out fully.

Is it possible?

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 02-26-2014 at 08:17 AM.. Reason: icode tags changed to code tags
# 2  
Old 02-26-2014
Which shell are you using?
# 3  
Old 02-26-2014
Hi Subbeh,
Bash shell I believe
# 4  
Old 02-26-2014
I don't know exactly what you're trying to do, but the variable substitution should work in bash. You could alternatively try using something like this to loop through all characters in the string:
while test -n "$strfuture" ; do
        echo $c

# 5  
Old 02-26-2014
Hi Subbeh,
I am trying to change
while test $count -le ${CURRENTRUNSCTRL}
          if [ "$count" = 1 ]
          then mj7777_ver='1' start_mj7777_iteration
          if [ "$count" = 2 ]
          then mj7777_ver='2' start_mj7777_iteration
          if [ "$count" = 3 ]
          then mj7777_ver='3' start_mj7777_iteration
          if [ "$count" = 4 ]
          then mj7777_ver='4' start_mj7777_iteration
          if [ "$count" = 5 ]
          then mj7777_ver='5' start_mj7777_iteration
          if [ "$count" = 6 ]
          then mj7777_ver='6' start_mj7777_iteration
          if [ "$count" = 7 ]
          then mj7777_ver='7' start_mj7777_iteration
          if [ "$count" = 8 ]
          then mj7777_ver='8' start_mj7777_iteration
          if [ "$count" = 9 ]
          then mj7777_ver='9' start_mj7777_iteration
          let count=count+1

to this
      while test $count -le ${CURRENTRUNSCTRL}
          mj7777_ver=${ver} start_mj7777_iteration
          let count=count+1

so it is fewer lines and easier to read or add further threads

Thanks for your suggestion though as I will see if I can use it somehow

Last edited by Franklin52; 02-26-2014 at 10:59 AM.. Reason: Please use CODE tags, not ICODE tags for code blocks. Thanks.
# 6  
Old 02-26-2014
Wouldn't it be easier to use a simple for loop in this case?
for i in {1..9} ; do
        mj7777_ver="$i" start_mj7777_iteration

# 7  
Old 02-26-2014
Thanks Subbeh,
I will need to try as sometimes I need to do fewer than 9 iterations and other times the ver is a character rather than a number but if I can get my head around how to control it, it may work
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