Jumbled output in expect_out(buffer)

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Old 02-26-2014
Jumbled output in expect_out(buffer)

I have a code like this :

set     ipv6_acl_max_chars  test_acl_max_chars123456a789%s%d2345678ww134rt789qa23456789012345%c89012%a56789012x4r67890test_acl_max_chars1234567890.01234aabcdob34567aBC0

spawn telnet $myip

expect "Login:" { send "admin\r" }
expect "Password:" {send "admin\r" }
expect $PROMP { send "ena\r" }
expect "Password:" {send "$enapass\r"}
expect $PROMPT2 { send "terminal length 0 \r" }
expect  $PROMPT2 { send "show ipv6 accounting access-list $ipv6_acl_max_chars interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/20 | grep ::/64 \r" }
expect $PROMPT2 { puts "buffer again : $expect_out(buffer) ### \n"
        send "interface range TenGigabitEthernet 0/6 , TenGigabitEthernet 0/8 , TenGigabitEthernet 0/7 , TenGigabitEthernet 0/5 , TenGigabitEthernet 0/3 , TenGigabitEthernet 0/1 , Port-channel 1 \r"
expect $PROMPT2 { puts "buffer again : $expect_out(buffer) ### \n" }
puts "\n ########### DONE ############# \n"

When this is executed, the expect_out(buffer) has jumbled characters and not readable.

Something like this :

#buffer again : show ipv6 accounting access-list test_acl_max_chars123456a789%s%d2345678ww134rt789qa23456789012345%c89012%a56789012x4r67890test_acl_m ax_chars1234567890.01234aabcdob34567aBC0 interface TenGigabit^[[194D ^[[197D$6 accounting access-list test_acl_max_chars123456a789%s%d2345678ww134rt789qa23456789012345%c89012%a56789012x4r67890test_acl_m ax_chars1234567890.01234aabcdob34567aBC0 interface TenGigabitEthernet^[[195D ^[[197D$ting access-list test_acl_max_chars123456a789%s%d2345678ww134rt789qa23456789012345%c89012%a56789012x4r67890test_acl_m ax_chars1234567890.01234aabcdob34567aBC0 interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/20 | ^[[195D ^[[197D$ess-list test_acl_max_chars123456a789%s%d2345678ww134rt789qa23456789012345%c89012%a56789012x4r67890test_acl_m ax_chars1234567890.01234aabcdob34567aBC0 interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/20 | grep ::/^[[195D ^[[197D$ test_acl_max_chars123456a789%s%d2345678ww134rt789qa23456789012345%c89012%a56789012x4r67890test_acl_m ax_chars1234567890.01234aabcdob34567aBC0 interface TenGigabitEthernet 0/20 | grep ::/64 ^M^M

Any clues and how to fix this ?


Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment In this particular case I removed the code tags around the data sample after first adding them, since it would not offer a benefit..

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 02-26-2014 at 03:49 AM.. Reason: code tags also for data samples.
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