Get the average from column, and eliminate the duplicate values.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Get the average from column, and eliminate the duplicate values.
# 8  
Old 02-23-2014
Originally Posted by RudiC
You did not answer Don Cragun's question about what you had tried... and your desired output does not match your specification (first line's avarage x is wrong, and the last line is missing). However, try also
awk     '                       {A = substr ($0,11,17); B = substr ($0, 57, 8); C = substr ($0, 66, 9)}
         A != OA && NR > 1      {printf "%s%6.1f %6.1f%s\n", substr(D,1,56), SUM1/CNT, SUM2/CNT, substr(D,75); CNT=0; SUM1=SUM2=""}
         END                    {printf "%s%6.1f %6.1f%s\n", substr(D,1,56), SUM1/CNT, SUM2/CNT, substr(D,75); CNT=0; SUM1=SUM2=""}
                                {OA = A; D=$0; SUM1+=B; SUM2+=C; CNT++}
        ' file
 ... ... ...

I was working on something very similar to what RudiC posted, but he finished it before I did.

For the given sample data it won't make any difference, but to preserve the column positions if some of the X and Y coordinates have smaller values, you might want to change the format strings slightly from:
         A != OA && NR > 1      {printf "%s%6.1f %6.1f%s\n", substr(D,1,56), SUM1/CNT, SUM2/CNT, substr(D,75); CNT=0; SUM1=SUM2=""}
         END                    {printf "%s%6.1f %6.1f%s\n", substr(D,1,56), SUM1/CNT, SUM2/CNT, substr(D,75); CNT=0; SUM1=SUM2=""}

         A != OA && NR > 1      {printf "%s%8.1f %9.1f%s\n", substr(D,1,56), SUM1/CNT, SUM2/CNT, substr(D,75); CNT=0; SUM1=SUM2=""}
         END                    {printf "%s%8.1f %9.1f%s\n", substr(D,1,56), SUM1/CNT, SUM2/CNT, substr(D,75); CNT=0; SUM1=SUM2=""}

And, in ahmed101's code the change would be from:
      sub(_xy, sprintf("%.1f", x[k]/s[k])" "sprintf("%.1f", y[k]/s[k]), key[k])

      sub(_xy, sprintf("%8.1f", x[k]/s[k])" "sprintf("%9.1f", y[k]/s[k]), key[k])

These 3 Users Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 9  
Old 02-24-2014
Dear All ,
Thanks a lot for your help.. I appreciate your time and support.
it works fine.. thanks again

---------- Post updated at 01:13 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:11 PM ----------

Don Cragun,, Thanks a lot Smilie

---------- Post updated at 01:14 PM ---------- Previous update was at 01:13 PM ----------

ahamed101 and RudiC,, thanks for your help
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