Delete selected lines

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# 1  
Old 02-22-2014
Delete selected lines

hi Gurus,

I have a source file with more than 10 columns ( not fixed )
I want to delete all the lines on the following condition

1) where i have first column as "UPDATE PLAN ADD RATE SCHEDULE" and fourth column as null

awk '($1=="UPDATE PLAN ADD RATE SCHEDULE" && $4=="") {print $0}' FS="," Source_File.csv

2) where i have first column as CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN and fifth column as null
awk '($1=="CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN" && $5=="") {print $0}' FS="," Source_File.csv.

Its a comma seperated files

Last edited by Don Cragun; 02-22-2014 at 04:52 AM.. Reason: Add CODE tags.
# 2  
Old 02-22-2014
Originally Posted by r_t_1601
hi Gurus,

I have a source file with more than 10 columns ( not fixed )
I want to delete all the lines on the following condition

1) where i have first column as "UPDATE PLAN ADD RATE SCHEDULE" and fourth column as null

awk '($1=="UPDATE PLAN ADD RATE SCHEDULE" && $4=="") {print $0}' FS="," Source_File.csv

2) where i have first column as CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN and fifth column as null
awk '($1=="CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN" && $5=="") {print $0}' FS="," Source_File.csv.

Its a comma seperated files
You say you want to delete lines based on one condition, but you show us two awk scripts that delete all lines except those based on two sets of two conditions.

Are you trying to delete lines that either of these awk scripts print, delete lines that both of these awk scripts print, delete all line except those that either of these awk scripts print, or delete all lines except those that both of these awk scripts print?

Please show us some sample input (in CODE tags) and the corresponding output that you want to produce based on that sample.
# 3  
Old 02-22-2014
Sorry for confusion.

I want to delete all the lines that are selected by the two awk statements i have written. for example Source file
CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN,2,3,4,5,6,7
CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN,2,3,4,,6,7
CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN,2,5,6,,8,9

i want to delete

CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN,2,3,4,,6,7
CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN,2,5,6,,8,9

Last edited by Don Cragun; 02-22-2014 at 06:41 AM.. Reason: Replace HTML tags with CODE tags.
# 4  
Old 02-22-2014
awk -F, '!($1=="UPDATE PLAN ADD RATE SCHEDULE" && $4=="") && !($1=="CREATE L2 SUPP PLAN" && $5=="")' Source_File.csv

This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 5  
Old 02-25-2014
Delete Selected lines

Thanks Don this works.

Actually i have control Characters in 4th and 5th Column. hence it's not working on those . how can i delete if the column is either null or has control characters
# 6  
Old 02-25-2014
You need to learn to give a clear description of your input file formats.

Are you now saying that fields 4 and 5 can contain any characters in character class cntrl (including null bytes and newline characters)? Is a\tb\nc\0d (where\t is a tab character, \n is a newline character, and \0 is a null byte) now a valid value in fields 4 and 5?

What does "has control characters" mean? (Contains at least one control character? Contains no characters that are not control characters? Does not contain any character that is not a control character?)
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