Git diff exclude swapped lines

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# 1  
Old 02-18-2014
Ubuntu Git diff exclude swapped lines


I am doing aws security group auditing every day to find the difference. I am using git to find the difference. But some times some security group rules order is changing up and down(swapping lines). So 'git diff' command gives this as a difference which i dont want(i need only new lines added, lines removed or modified). Any solutions to overcome this?

Operating System : Ubuntu

# 2  
Old 02-18-2014
But I guess that's how all the revision-ing systems are right?
I am not an expert in git, but if there is no other option, may be can think of doing it via scripting once you pull the file versions in question.

This User Gave Thanks to ahamed101 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 02-18-2014
This is solved by sorting the file.
This User Gave Thanks to jobycxa For This Post:
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