Not able to send attachment with the email

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Not able to send attachment with the email
# 1  
Old 02-18-2014
Not able to send attachment with the email

Hi All,
The below code is working fine for me.
 mailx -s hello <<EOT

Hello !!!

How are you?


But i am not able to send csv file with the mail .Getting just themail but not the attachment.

uuencode /path/s1.csv | mailx -s hello <<EOT

Hello !!!

How are you?PFA for the file.



# 2  
Old 02-18-2014
Try :

cat >msg<<EOT
Hello !!!

How are you?PFA for the file.


$ ( cat msg ; uuencode /path/s1.csv ) | mailx -s hello

# 3  
Old 02-18-2014
Please show the full syntax

---------- Post updated at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:53 AM ----------

Originally Posted by Akshay Hegde
Try :

cat >msg<<EOT
Hello !!!

How are you?PFA for the file.


$ ( cat msg ; uuencode /path/s1.csv ) | mailx -s hello


./ line 11: syntax error near unexpected token `cat'
./ line 11: `$ ( cat msg ; uuencode /arbor/fx1/rraj/s1.csv ) | mailx -s hello'

# 4  
Old 02-18-2014
Did you try along with $ ? I used $ to indicate terminal, for subject field if you put double quotes its well and good.
# 5  
Old 02-18-2014
Originally Posted by Akshay Hegde
Did you try along with $ ? I used $ to indicate terminal, for subject field if you put double quotes its well and good.
Can you please show the example by modifying my code.
# 6  
Old 02-18-2014
On terminal

cat >msg<<EOF
your msg

(cat msg; uuencode  path/to/your/attachement/file) | mailx -s "Your Subject"


cat <<EOF | ( cat -; uuencode  path/to/your/attachement/file) | mailx -s "Your Subject"
your msg

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# 7  
Old 02-18-2014
Originally Posted by Akshay Hegde
On terminal

cat >msg<<EOF
your msg

(cat msg; uuencode  path/to/your/attachement/file) | mailx -s "Your Subject"


cat <<EOF | ( cat -; uuencode  path/to/your/attachement/file) | mailx -s "Your Subject"
your msg

Yes got it thanks.

Can you also show me an example of sending 2 csv files s1.csv and s2.csv.
I mean in a script as i want to automate the process.This is my first time with mailx commandSmilie
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