Auto correct a csv file using UNIX shell script.

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Auto correct a csv file using UNIX shell script.
# 8  
Old 02-18-2014
This is the result with the sample you gave us

root@maximus:/tmp# cat infile

root@maximus:/tmp# perl -0pe 's/,\n/,/g;s/\n,/,/g' infile

Which one are you using awk or perl? Which is your os?

# 9  
Old 02-18-2014
I tried all the commands, perl and awk in shell script in UNIX.
# 10  
Old 02-18-2014
Unless you post the actual data, it is difficult for us.
Which is your OS?

# 11  
Old 02-18-2014
This is the actual data in a csv file.

abcd,789756,20140211,20140202,464532.00,C,XZY,,,Settlement of purchase.,,1
abcd,795156,20140211,20140202,548962.52,C,JPY,,,Payement to: tokyo BNF=N,,1
abcd,763256,20140211,20140202,42188.80,C,USD,,,recieved from ,,1
abcd,756556,20140211,20140202,456898.28,C,EUR,,,Payment via.,,1
abcd,732656,20140211,20140202,58461.10,C,INR,,,Settlement of purchase.,,1
abcd,798756,20140211,20140202,323156.82,C,AUD,,,Settlement of purchase.,,1
abcd,789856,20140211,20140202,84621.63,C,CHF,,,Settlement of sale no B35453 EUR 471.60,,1
abcd,785456,20140211,20140202,86421.40,C,USD,,,Settlement of purchase.,,1

Some times the one or two records will have a next line character in between causing it to split into two lines like this

abcd,789756,20140211,20140202,464532.00,C,XZY,,,Settlement of purchase.,,1
abcd,795156,20140211,20140202,548962.52,C,JPY,,,Payement to: tokyo BNF=N,,1
abcd,763256,20140211,20140202,42188.80,C,USD,,,recieved from ,,1
abcd,756556,20140211,20140202,456898.28,C,EUR,,,Payment via.,,1
58461.10,C,INR,,,Settlement of purchase.,,1
abcd,798756,20140211,20140202,323156.82,C,AUD,,,Settlement of purchase.,,1
abcd,789856,20140211,20140202,84621.63,C,CHF,,,Settlement of sale no B35453 EUR 471.60,,1
abcd,785456,20140211,20140202,86421.40,C,USD,,,Settlement of purchase.,,1

I use windows OS.

---------- Post updated at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous update was at 11:45 AM ----------

If you see the 5 th record, it is split into 2.
This need to be auto corrected either in the same file or another file with the same file name as the original.
# 12  
Old 02-18-2014
Try this... this is only for the issue where the split record ends with a ,
if this works, we will check the next one...
awk '/,$/{printf $0;next}1' infile

You use cygwin? What is the version of awk?

# 13  
Old 02-18-2014
This didnt work as well!!

I;m using the command you suggested in a shell script file

awk '/,$/{printf $0;next}1' ${infile} >> ${outfile}

The outfile and infile are exactly the same.

Ahamed can you try something by removing the carriage return of lines having less than 12 records?
# 14  
Old 02-18-2014
Try this...


while read line
  if [ $incom -eq 1 ]; then
    printf "%s%s\n" "$data" "$line"

  grep ",$" <<<$line >/dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  echo $line
done < infile

If you still dont get the result, post the output with bash -x script infile


---------- Post updated at 10:57 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:54 PM ----------

Also, can you post the output of od -bc infile
If you have the dos2unix utility I suggest you run that first on the file and then try the commands.

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