Matched a pattern from multiple columns

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Matched a pattern from multiple columns
# 15  
Old 02-08-2014
Hi Scrutinizer,

Sorry for the confusion. The first sample (#1) is just a toy example. When things didnt work out, then i gave the real sample post (#7 and #11). However, since there is issue with field separator, vgersh99 asked for the original file. Therefore, the latest data is the original data before being transformed into #7 or #11 as per request. Thanks

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment OK Noted. Thanks for the explanation

Last edited by Scrutinizer; 02-08-2014 at 03:24 PM.. Reason: duplicates
# 16  
Old 02-10-2014
From what I understand, you want to print first column whenever there are exactly two "M"s in 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th columns combined. If that is the case (and file is tab delimited), I would create a korn shell script as below and name it as script.ksh :



nawk -F"        " <${infile} \
     'BEGIN{cnt=0}           \
      NR>=2{hdr=$1; if ( $2 == "M" ) cnt++;
                    if ( $3 == "M" ) cnt++;
                    if ( $4 == "M" ) cnt++;
                    if ( $5 == "M" ) cnt++;
                    if ( cnt == 2 ) print hdr; cnt=0}'

Then I execute this script as below:

script.ksh infile
where infile is the tab delimited file of interest.
Hope this helps Smilie
This User Gave Thanks to juzz4fun For This Post:
# 17  
Old 02-10-2014
Hi juzz4fun,

thanks so much for the codes. Smilie I have been thinking about the FS issue. I have decided to work on the original file post #13 (before transformation) to get what i wanted instead of input file in post #11. It is much easier i guess as the original file is tab delimeted. Thanks
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