Check for spaces in input argument!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Check for spaces in input argument!
# 8  
Old 02-06-2014
Read the forum thread, please.
# 9  
Old 02-07-2014
Thank you for your response. I guess this partially work, but I was more looking for an error prompt to the user like:
cluster_on_lev3.csh -dir /home/shared -t 2.3 -p 0.05 -c26  -l2 
"Incorrect use of argument"

Thank you for your help!
# 10  
Old 02-07-2014
So, change the text "unknown option" into "incorrect use of argument"...
# 11  
Old 02-07-2014
Unfortunately the error message which i get is:
argv: Subscript out of range

# 12  
Old 02-09-2014
I use ksh and bash; not csh. And, I strongly prefer utilities that accept, but do not require, space between an option-letter and its option-argument. But, if I understand what you're trying to do, just change:
	case "-h":
            set zmax = $argv[1]; shift;

	case "-h":
            set zmax = $argv[1]; shift;
        case "*":
            echo "Incorrect use of argument: $flag"

This User Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 13  
Old 02-11-2014
Thank you so much. This is what I was looking for.Smilie
# 14  
Old 02-11-2014
while ( $#argv != 0)
	set flag = $argv[1]; shift;
	switch ($flag)
	case "-dir":
	    set lev3cope = $argv[1]; shift;

	case "-h":
            set zmax = $argv[1]; shift;
        case "*":
            echo "Incorrect use of argument: $flag"

Besides its CSH which i dont know, i'd understand the 'set' line, as the variable "flag" becomes the value of the array argv[1].
Which in turn would let you use $flag over $argv[1] on each call, or am i misunderstand that set flag = argv[1];shift

Took me just 10 years to get near the though i'd finaly understand 'shift', but this line.

Just trying to learn.
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