Help on Log File format using sed or awk

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Help on Log File format using sed or awk
# 8  
Old 02-05-2014
So it is Linux after all. I might come up with some script involving Linux "date" utility... Unless someone beats me to it.
Edit: Here it is:
awk -F"[][, ]" '{"date -d \""$2" "$3"\" +%s" | getline x;y=x""$4}/started/{s[$18]=y}/completed/{print $20" "y-s[$20]"ms"}' file

Last edited by bartus11; 02-05-2014 at 06:20 PM..
# 9  
Old 02-05-2014
Given Linux OS you can get some more efficiency with this slight change to bartus11's solution.

Here we are using the gnu awk mktime(), instead of forking date for each line:

gawk -F"[][, ]" '
  { y=mktime(gensub(/[:-]/," ","g",$2" "$3)) $4}
  /completed/{print $20" "y-s[$20]"ms"}' infile

This User Gave Thanks to Chubler_XL For This Post:
# 10  
Old 02-05-2014
Thanks a lot bartus11 and Chubler_XL, both works fine, but Chubler_XL's solution took less time.

Thanks for helping me.
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