Help with better find script

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# 1  
Old 02-05-2014
Sun Help with better find script

hi everyone
i tried to write my first script on unix solaris
the target is to find every file had size above 200M and save it to log file with size and path

i can do this but i still don't like it
find / type f -size +200M -ls | log.txt

is there better way to do this !!
thank you all Smilie
# 2  
Old 02-05-2014
No, this is good, just change the pipe | vs >> since this won't work.
# 3  
Old 02-05-2014
Almost. The type also needs to be -type:
find / -type f -size +200M -ls > log.txt

# 4  
Old 02-05-2014
below also works..

ls -ltr|awk '{if($5>209715200) {print $0}}'

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