XML data replacement

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# 1  
Old 02-04-2014
XML data replacement

I have below lines in a file
    <Property Name="Name">QQQQQQQQ</Property>
    <Property Name="Prompt">YYYYYYYYYY</Property>
    <Property Name="Default">$ddd</Property>
    <Property Name="HelpTxt">blahblah</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamType">4</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property>
  <Property Name="Name">$ABCD</Property>
  <Property Name="Prompt">ABCD</Property>
  <Property Name="Default">$ddd</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamType">0</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property>
    <Property Name="Name">$XYZZ</Property>
    <Property Name="Prompt">XYZZ</Property>
    <Property Name="Default">$ddd</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamType">0</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property>

in this file the piece in red should be replacd with below data
  <Property Name="Name">$XXXXXX</Property>
  <Property Name="Prompt">XXXXXX</Property>
  <Property Name="Default">sasasasasa</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamType">1</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property>

I am trying to bring the required tag alone into one single line and then use sed to replace the data
  <Property Name="Name">$ABCD</Property>
  <Property Name="Prompt">ABCD</Property>
  <Property Name="Default">$ddd</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamType">0</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property>

but not sure how to remove the newline characters inside a particular tag alone
something like  <SubRecord> .*ABCD.*ABCD.*</SubRecord>

Last edited by ratheeshjulk; 02-04-2014 at 05:21 PM.. Reason: Corrcted typo
# 2  
Old 02-04-2014
How should it tell that subrecord apart from any of the others?
# 3  
Old 02-04-2014
Data will always be same in this particular tag which I want to replace, Even if repeats let it be replaced
<SubRecord>  <Property Name="Name">$ABCD</Property>  <Property Name="Prompt">ABCD</Property>  <Property Name="Default">$ddd</Property>  <Property Name="ParamType">0</Property>  <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>  <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property></SubRecord>

can be replaced by
<SubRecord>  <Property Name="Name">$XXXXXX</Property>  <Property Name="Prompt">XXXXXX</Property>  <Property Name="Default">sasasasasa</Property>  <Property Name="ParamType">1</Property>  <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>  <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property></SubRecord>

# 4  
Old 02-04-2014
$ cat subrecord.awk

BEGIN { RS="<"; ORS="<"; P=1 }

NR==1 { printf("%s",ORS); }
FNR==1 && (!$1) { next }

NR==FNR { D[++L]=$0; next }
/^SubRecord>/ {
        if(T == 2)
                for(X=1; X<L; X++) print D[X]

/^\/SubRecord/ && (!P) { P=1 }
P { print $0 }

$ awk -f subrecord.awk replacementdata datafile > outputfile

    <Property Name="Name">QQQQQQQQ</Property>
    <Property Name="Prompt">YYYYYYYYYY</Property>
    <Property Name="Default">$ddd</Property>
    <Property Name="HelpTxt">blahblah</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamType">4</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property>
  <Property Name="Name">$ABCD</Property>
  <Property Name="Prompt">ABCD</Property>
  <Property Name="Default">$ddd</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamType">0</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>
  <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property>
    <Property Name="Name">$XYZZ</Property>
    <Property Name="Prompt">XYZZ</Property>
    <Property Name="Default">$ddd</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamType">0</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamLength">0</Property>
    <Property Name="ParamScale">0</Property>


This User Gave Thanks to Corona688 For This Post:
# 5  
Old 02-04-2014
Another awk approach:
awk '
        !(n) {
                n = sub ( />\$ABCD</, ">$XXXXXX<" )
        n {
                sub ( />ABCD</, ">XYZZ<" )
                sub ( />\$ddd</, ">sasasasasa<" )
                sub ( /ParamType\">0/, "ParamType\">1" )
        /ParamScale/ && n {
                n = 0
' file.xml

This User Gave Thanks to Yoda For This Post:
# 6  
Old 02-04-2014
Thanks for the quick help. I hope this code is replacing the second para within the tab "SubRecord" with the replacement string, which will not serve my need.
Is there a way we can delete all the new line characters between the tags <SubRecord> and </SubRecord> then i can replace the entire records using sed..

---------- Post updated at 05:39 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:27 PM ----------

This one worked like charm.. Thanks a lot.......
# 7  
Old 02-04-2014
Which one did?
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