i am trying to calculate oracle 11 rac parameters (shared memory, no of semaphores etc) in rhel6.5. since it depends on the Physical memory and page size
i want to calculate and update the values in /etc/sysctl.conf or using sysctl.conf -w command using a script (since its going to be multiple servers) and
I need some help to setup some environmental variables.
for example...Get A -> userdefined/user input
B -> a number.
c -> system variable...for example $GETCONF PAGE_SIZE
E = do some math using bc
display a message "The value is E"
setup the system/kernel paramter sysctl -p <parameter name> = E
setu of system/kernel paramter completed.
Here are some untested code snippets setting variables as you requested:
If you using a POSIX conforming shell (such as bash and ksh) and you're doing integer arithmetic, you don't need to call bc; you can use:
If you're doing floating point arithmetic and you're using a 1993 or later version of the Korn shell, you can still use the above arithmetic evaluation instead of calling bc, but you'll want to change the format for printing $E to a floating format such as:
where the number shown in red above specifies the number of digits you want to appear after the radix character in your output.
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I have some comments about a previously closed topic whose name is the same as above
Omitted from the discussion was the situation with a "sudo command or sudo within a script".
There is an inconsistency between systems. On some systems $LOGNAME is invariant, on others,
on RedHat sudo... (3 Replies)
Hello... and thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer me with my question! I'm hoping someone will have a little patience with me and walk me through this!
I'm trying to understand a user login process on Centos 7 and I've gotten a bit confused trying to figure out when/how a Gnome... (4 Replies)
Hi everyone,
I wrote a script that is supposed to be run by cron on a daily basis. It works just fine if I run it manually, but due to a lack of environment variables (which are available during my user session but not when cron runs the script) it keeps failing to run successfully.
Here's the... (2 Replies)
I need some help to write a ksh script.
My code so far (pretty bad, sorry):
#! /bin/ksh
echo "Calculate average"
while test $UserDecision = y
echo "Enter a number: "
read Number1
echo "Enter a number: "
read Number2
echo "Do you want to enter another number?... (2 Replies)
I am wondering what is the difference between the USER and LOGNAME environment variables, and under what situations would they be different?
I am using Ubuntu 8.04 32-bit and I do not have 'login' command to test it. (7 Replies)
I am working on a SunFire 480 - uname -a gives:
SunOS bsmdb02 5.9 Generic_112233-08 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-480R
I am tyring to sum up the total size of all the directories for each running database using awk:
for Database in `ps -efl | grep "ora_pmon" | grep -v grep |... (1 Reply)
In a line such as:
echo -n "How many days back would you like to check? "; read days
How can I ensure that the user has a.) entered a number between 1-30 (not 0 or 31+) and b.) has not just hit enter (ie set it to "") and if it's entered wrong, how do I start the if statement over?
I... (10 Replies)
Hi everybody:
I have a problem about use variables. I 've created this variable:
var=`wc -l file.txt | cut -c 1-2`;
n_var="$var"-1 ;
echo $n_var;
In my case var is 8.
When echo shows $n_var does not appear as I want. The question is how can I subtract, this is operate, to my variable.... (1 Reply)
If have
how can I expand $variable.
I have tried many thing like duble quotes/braces etc, but nothing worked.
I need the solution ASAP. (2 Replies)