Need help - "sed" command issue

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Need help - "sed" command issue
# 1  
Old 01-31-2014
Need help - "sed" command issue

we have two parameters as below in our script and passing values while executing.
HTML Code:
I have below sed command in my script
MAILMSG=`grep -v "##" mail_body.txt | sed 's/$Row_Count/'${row_count}'/g;s/$Colu_Count/'${col_count}'/g;s/$Accepted/'5%/g`

It is showing below error
sed: Function s/$Row_Count/356 cannot be parsed.

However, it is working if row_count=7, col_count=6. Can someone please suggest solution for this.

Last edited by JSKOBS; 01-31-2014 at 02:49 AM..
# 2  
Old 01-31-2014

you can use the following awk in place of sed. Please let us know the input and expected output for same.

As $ will have special meaning for it in sed expression you have mentioned.

R. Singh
# 3  
Old 02-03-2014
Basically it should work; I don't understand your error message.
You can turn the grep expression into another sed expression.
While most sed versions accept the $, I would escape it for clarity.
BTW I would write that as a multi-line:
sed '

# 4  
Old 02-03-2014
You're not escaping the $ for clarity, you're escaping the $ to treat it as a literal dollar sign instead of having sed treat it as the end-of-line anchor.

Some versions of sed (such as the one you're using) will warn you that that expression can never match any input. Other versions of sed will silently accept the expression containing that search expression even though the substitute command will never be applied.
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