I am calling a script log.sh from output.sh.
Log.sh has below pice of code:
Output.sh has below pice of code:
However when i am running output.sh i am getting two separate emails with subject Error report and Report.ie output of log.sh(
/home/va59657/log.sh.sh >> $OFILE1)is not going to $OFILE and mail is coming because of sendmail -t command used in log.sh.
When i am removing sendmail -t command in log.sh,html code is coming in email instead of actual output in tabular form from output.sh.
I want only one email with output of log.sh in output.sh mail with subject Report and no two separate emails.
Please help.
Last edited by Vivekit82; 01-30-2014 at 03:00 PM..
You are getting two mails because both of your scripts send mails... You are getting HTML output because your script prints HTML... If you just want the inner script to dump the file to stdout, use cat:
Also, isn't that the awk script you were complaining didn't work in the other thread?
Last edited by Corona688; 01-30-2014 at 03:31 PM..
Thanks.i am using this code as I have only one row in the file..
The other code was perfectly working for all the cases.
But I want HTML output only but through email sent by output.sh.
When I am removing sendmail -t command from log.sh I am getting one email but instead of getting correct HTML output I am getting HTML code printed instead of correct HTML output.
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set REMOTE "/root/scripts/remote"
log_user 1
send_user "Executing remote script as $user...\n"
send_user "Command to execute is: $REMOTE... (1 Reply)
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spawn /usr/bin/ksh
send "expect main.exp\r"
expect $root_prompt
spawn /usr/bin/ksh
send "main.exp\r"
expect $root_prompt
Both... (1 Reply)
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STOP=`/usr/bin/find $PATH/$wac -type f -name "stop.sh"`... (8 Replies)
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ls -l |
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. test2.sh
method 2) content of test.sh
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value="`fun1 "argument1"`"
awk 'BEGIN {printf ("%s", "'"$value"'")}'
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# pre-processing options
while (<TOPIC_ORIG>)
# Run pre-processing over only the... (3 Replies)