awk file split

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# 1  
Old 01-24-2014
awk file split

Hi all,

First of all I' like to mention that I'm pretty new to unix scripting. Smilie

I'm trying to split an large xml with awk and rename it based on the values of two attributes.
Example XML

The desired output would be :

a file named 1122.xml

a file named 4455.xml

Up till know I have been able to split the file using this command
awk '/<RECORD/{close("row"count".xml");count++}count{f="row"count".xml";print $0 > f}' file.xml

but couldn't figure how to pass the values of the elements 1 & 2 in the filename. Ideally I would like to add xml tags as this is intended to split xml files and produce valid xml format output.

Any ideas on how to do it with awk ?
Thank you in advance.

PS. I know that it has been addressed in a couple of posts, such as shell-210529-xml-split-extract-string-between-chars.html
though I could use the proposed solution, it always produce me only one file with the final record.Smilie

again, thanks
# 2  
Old 01-24-2014

Could you please use the following code for same.

awk '!/\<RECORD\>/ && !/\<\/RECORD\>/ {f=f"\n"$0} /\<\/RECORD\>/ {print f > "Record"++i".txt";f=""}' check_records

It will create 2 files named Record2.txt and Record1.txt.

NOTE: Where check_records is the Input file name.

R. Singh
This User Gave Thanks to RavinderSingh13 For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-24-2014
Hello RavinderSingh13,

Thank you for your quick reply.
Unfortunately, this produces pretty much the same output with the code I posted earlier Smilie, n files where the file will have a counter in the filename as output.
However, I was trying to get the value of two tags in each filename Smilie

Thanks again
# 4  
Old 01-24-2014
Give this a try:
awk '/<\/RECORD/{
                 print raw""$0 > name".xml"
    {raw=sprintf("%s%s\n",raw,$0)}' FS="(>)|(<)" file.xml

This User Gave Thanks to Klashxx For This Post:
# 5  
Old 01-24-2014

Could you please try following.

awk '!/\<RECORD\>/ && !/\<\/RECORD\>/ && !/\<element4\>/ && !/\<element5\>/ && !/\<element6\>/ {f=f"\n"$0} /\<\/RECORD\>/ {print f > "Record"++i".xml";f=""}' check_records

It will create 2 output files as follows Record2.txt and Record1.txt.

Output files will be as follows.

$ cat Record1.xml
$ cat Record2.xml

R. Singh

Last edited by RavinderSingh13; 01-24-2014 at 07:55 AM.. Reason: adding output files
This User Gave Thanks to RavinderSingh13 For This Post:
# 6  
Old 01-24-2014
Hi Klashxx,

Unfortunately the size of the file is too large in order to be handled with sprintf
Error: awk: program limit exceeded: sprintf buffer size=2040

---------- Post updated at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous update was at 11:57 AM ----------

Originally Posted by RavinderSingh13

Could you please try following.

awk '!/\<RECORD\>/ && !/\<\/RECORD\>/ && !/\<element4\>/ && !/\<element5\>/ && !/\<element6\>/ {f=f"\n"$0} /\<\/RECORD\>/ {print f > "Record"++i".xml";f=""}' check_records

It will create 2 output files as follows Record2.txt and Record1.txt.

Output files will be as follows.

$ cat Record1.xml
$ cat Record2.xml

R. Singh
Hi RavinderSingh13,

Yes this creates the output you describe, however I would like to have the following output
$ 1122.xml
$ 4455.xml

without the string Record or a counter Smilie. Thanks again for your helpSmilie
# 7  
Old 01-24-2014
Could you please try followign and let me know.

awk -vi=1122 '!/\<RECORD\>/ && !/\<\/RECORD\>/ && !/\<element4\>/ && !/\<element5\>/ && !/\<element6\>/ {f=f"\n"$0} /\<\/RECORD\>/ {print f > i".xml" ;f="";i=4455}' check_records

R. Singh
This User Gave Thanks to RavinderSingh13 For This Post:
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