Cd to Folder based on TimeStamp

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# 1  
Old 01-23-2014
Cd to Folder based on TimeStamp

ls -ltr 
-rw-rw----   1 user1   admins   5000032 Jan 20 17:11 M1120252_P004640.csv

Now i wish to cd to that folder amongst the below folders that would have log files for the date of the .csv file i.e. 20 Jan 17:11

ls -ltr
total 53616
drwxrwx---   2  user1   admins   20840448 Jan 19 02:10 archive_51
drwxrwx---   2  user1   admins   6553600 Jan 22 02:23 archive_52
drwxrwx---   2  user1   admins   8853600 Jan 24 02:23 archive_53

Desired folder i need to cd in this case would be "archive_52"

The above is just a specific query. I need this mechanism to work for all csv files i.e with different date / times

OS: SunOS mymac15.10 Generic_148888-04 sun4v sparc SUNW,SPARC-Enterprise-T5220

Can you please help how to get it to work ?

Last edited by mohtashims; 01-24-2014 at 12:02 AM..
# 2  
Old 01-24-2014
This makes no sense. The timestamp on a directory will change when the contents of the directory changes (such as when a file is created inside that directory or when a file is removed from the directory); not when the contents of a file in the directory changes.

Assuming that you have determined the name of the file that you want, saved that file's name in a variable named filename, and that that file name only appears in one directory, you could try something like:

pathname=$(ls */$filename)
cd ${pathname%/*}

# 3  
Old 01-24-2014
Originally Posted by Don Cragun
This makes no sense. The timestamp on a directory will change when the contents of the directory changes (such as when a file is created inside that directory or when a file is removed from the directory); not when the contents of a file in the directory changes.

Assuming that you have determined the name of the file that you want, saved that file's name in a variable named filename, and that that file name only appears in one directory, you could try something like:

pathname=$(ls */$filename)
cd ${pathname%/*}

There is a file called check.log in each of the three folders.

Using the timestamp of each of the three folders we can determine & fire a grep command only on that folder's check.log [archive_52/check.log]. because the time stamp of folders archive_51, archive_53 are pre and post the time of the M1120252_P004640.csv file i.e. Jan 20 17:11

So please help me cd to the folder [ archive_52 ] automatically based on the timestamp of the given .csv file.

I need your help automate this.
# 4  
Old 01-24-2014
Originally Posted by mohtashims
There is a file called check.log in each of the three folders.

Using the timestamp of each of the three folders we can determine & fire a grep command only on that folder's check.log [archive_52/check.log]. because the time stamp of folders archive_51, archive_53 are pre and post the time of the M1120252_P004640.csv file i.e. Jan 20 17:11

So please help me cd to the folder [ archive_52 ] automatically based on the timestamp of the given .csv file.

I need your help automate this.
Given the ls output you posted earlier:
ls -ltr
total 53616
drwxrwx---   2  user1   admins   20840448 Jan 19 02:10 archive_51
drwxrwx---   2  user1   admins   6553600 Jan 22 02:23 archive_52
drwxrwx---   2  user1   admins   8853600 Jan 24 02:23 archive_53

we have absolutely no reason to believe that archive_52 is the correct directory. If you're basing your decision of which directory to choose based on the timestamps of three directories that might contain the file, all we know is that two of these directories have had files added to or removed from them after M1120252_P004640.csv was last modified at 17:11 on January 20. We don't know that M1120252_P004640.csv wasn't created on January 19 in archive_51 and modified on the 20th. We know that some file was added to or deleted from archive_52 and archive_53 after M1120252_P004640.csv was last updated, but that gives us no indication that M1120252_P004640.csv exists in either of these directories.

Furthermore, if you're saying that M1120252_P004640.csv doesn't exist in any of these directories, but only that check.log was updated (not created) when M1120252_P004640.csv was created, you have absolutely no indication from the timestamp on the directory, which check.log will contain an entry indicating when M1120252_P004640.csv was created (or last updated) based on the timestamp of the directory containing the log file. The timestamp of a directory says nothing about when a file (check.log) was last updated. If you add an entry to the end of check.log in any of these three directories, the time stamp on the containing directory will not change.
# 5  
Old 01-24-2014
Thank you !!

Last edited by mohtashims; 01-24-2014 at 11:08 AM..
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