How can I pass arguments to system command in a awk script?

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How can I pass arguments to system command in a awk script?
# 1  
Old 01-21-2014
How can I pass arguments to system command in a awk script?


I need your help, please

How can I pass arguments to system command in a awk script?... for example:

system("grep -n byte  mapeo.txt");

Does it exist a way?

Thanks for advance.
# 2  
Old 01-21-2014
Originally Posted by solaris21

I need your help, please

How can I pass arguments to system command in a awk script?... for example:

system("grep -n byte  mapeo.txt"); # string not variable

Does it exist a way?

Thanks for advance.
cmd = "grep -n  "byte"  mapeo.txt"

# 3  
Old 01-22-2014

I apreciate your helping, I only want to ask another question, please

cmd = "grep -n  "byte"  mapeo.txt"

if I want to take the output of command system on a variable; Is it that possible? ...I try using

cmd = "grep "byte"  mapeo.txt | awk '{"ascii_dec"=$2}'"

however I had that:

awk: línea ord.:1: {=$2}
awk: línea ord.:1:  ^ syntax error

Thank you Smilie
# 4  
Old 01-22-2014
Originally Posted by solaris21

I apreciate your helping, I only want to ask another question, please

cmd = "grep -n  "byte"  mapeo.txt"

if I want to take the output of command system on a variable; Is it that possible? ...I try using

cmd = "grep "byte"  mapeo.txt | awk '{"ascii_dec"=$2}'"

however I had that:

awk: línea ord.:1: {=$2}
awk: línea ord.:1:  ^ syntax error

Thank you Smilie
in following thread there is one function named Cmd copy and paste in your program and then execute your system commands

Help me in the Execution of Date comparsion by Akshay Hegde - UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers - Unix Linux Forums

# 5  
Old 01-25-2014
thanks for your help Akshay Hegde Smilie

function Cmd(cmde,result){
                              while ((cmde | getline line) > 0)
                                      result = result (result=="" ? "" : "\n")line
                              return result

function convierte()
 resul=Cmd("grep "byte"  mapeo.txt|awk '{print $2}'");
 print resul;

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