Perl one-line substitution syntax

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# 1  
Old 01-21-2014
Perl one-line substitution syntax


With the following Perl syntax, how to print the $_ value after the substitution?
s/(\s*|\n)//g foreach (<>);

If I use the below code, it produces some numeric output
print s/(\s*|\n)//g foreach (<>);

# 2  
Old 01-21-2014
In a oneliner:
perl -ne 's/(\s*|\n)//g;print $_' inputfile

Inside a multiline script:
perl -e 's/(\s*|\n)//g && print $_ foreach (<>);' < inputfile

This User Gave Thanks to Klashxx For This Post:
# 3  
Old 01-21-2014
perl -npe 's/(\s*|\n)//g;' inputfile see perldoc perlun for details of runtime flags
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