What's wrong with my awk

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting What's wrong with my awk
# 1  
Old 01-16-2014
What's wrong with my awk


maximum_delay time: 102.794 ms
maximum_delay time: 92.977 ms
maximum_delay time: 98.895 ms
maximum_delay time: 96.891 ms
maximum_delay time: 86.966 ms
maximum_delay time: 95.91 ms
maximum_delay time: 98.921 ms
maximum_delay time: 89.881 ms
maximum_delay time: 92.931 ms
maximum_delay time: 99.901 ms
maximum_delay time: 94.855 ms
maximum_delay time: 89.062 ms
maximum_delay time: 95.905 ms
maximum_delay time: 97.9 ms
maximum_delay time: 92.994 ms
maximum_delay time: 96.897 ms
maximum_delay time: 101.905 ms
maximum_delay time: 89.056 ms
maximum_delay time: 86.851 ms
maximum_delay time: 95.024 ms
maximum_delay time: 96.917 ms
maximum_delay time: 95.883 ms
maximum_delay time: 92.063 ms
maximum_delay time: 86.859 ms
maximum_delay time: 86.991 ms
maximum_delay time: 95.897 ms
maximum_delay time: 97.908 ms
maximum_delay time: 96.912 ms
maximum_delay time: 89.959 ms
maximum_delay time: 91.963 ms
maximum_delay time: 97.021 ms
maximum_delay time: 96.912 ms
maximum_delay time: 93.062 ms
maximum_delay time: 93.053 ms
maximum_delay time: 98.909 ms
maximum_delay time: 88.036 ms
maximum_delay time: 94.908 ms
maximum_delay time: 92.874 ms
maximum_delay time: 96.915 ms
maximum_delay time: 97.899 ms
maximum_delay time: 92.852 ms
maximum_delay time: 97.896 ms
maximum_delay time: 76.993 ms
maximum_delay time: 101.906 ms
maximum_delay time: 93.038 ms
maximum_delay time: 80.976 ms
maximum_delay time: 98.017 ms
maximum_delay time: 95.909 ms
maximum_delay time: 100.009 ms
maximum_delay time: 93.011 ms

lyang001@lyang001-OptiPlex-9010:/tmp$ cat file1 |awk '
END{print "min: " min " " typ " avg: " tot/NR " " typ " max: " max " " typ }'

it gets: 
min: 102.794 ms avg: 94.1613 ms max: 93.011 ms

# 2  
Old 01-16-2014
Try changing:
cat file1 |awk '
END{print "min: " min " " typ " avg: " tot/NR " " typ " max: " max " " typ }'

awk '
END{print "min: " min " " typ " avg: " tot/NR " " typ " max: " max " " typ }' file1

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